The Slow Burn (Moonlight and Motor Oil #2) - Kristen Ashley Page 0,7

connection. You can’t handle it being real. They say girls want the fairytale. But boys want it more and they have the power, so a girl has to twist herself into that fantasy to land a guy.”

“No, Kristy, that isn’t how it is,” he returned. “Maybe for some guys, but not me.”

“And you’re not taking me home right now because I wasn’t how you wanted me to be?”

“Yeah, I’m takin’ you home right now because you weren’t how I might want you to be. But this is the gig, babe. You give your shit to me, you don’t cool it and attempt to handle the situation, not only might I have a lifetime of that if I eat it now, that’s what you’d give our kids, if we got that far.”

Her head jerked and her eyes got big.

But Toby kept talking.

“And that isn’t okay. I actually don’t want a sweet one. I want one who’ll give as good as she gets, stick up for herself, stick up for me, and stick up for the babies we make. And when shit goes off the rails, and I admit I’ve been a dick, what I don’t want is her to shut her mouth and not admit she’s been a bitch, so we can take it from there. That’s what I don’t want, Kristy.”

“Okay, I’ve been a bitch,” she admitted.

“And what do I do with that?” he asked.

She again threw up both hands. “You just told me to admit it.”

Now he was curious.

“Why are you fighting for this?”

“Well, duh,” she said. “Because you’re all kinds of hot and insanely good in bed.”

He shook his head.

“Oh please,” she drawled. “Don’t act like I’m not right here because you didn’t like the looks of me and wanted to get in my pants, but instead you liked my smile, or some shit, and I made you laugh.”

She had not, he just realized, made him laugh.

With her looks, ass, legs and come on, she’d made him fight getting hard.

That was why she was there.

And now Tobe was beginning to realize where he’d gone wrong from his very first girlfriend, the one he’d asked to “go with me” at fourteen to the woman standing in front of him right now.

She wasn’t finished.

“The ones who look like you don’t go for some fat bitch who cooks good and worships the ground they walk on. The ones who look like you go for ones that look like him, gorgeous, and they still worship the ground he walks on.”

“Yeah, I totally want my woman to worship the ground I walk on,” he shared.

“See,” she retorted.

“And she’ll do that because I’d die for her.”

Kristy again shut her mouth and her eyes got big.

“She has to have that fire for me too, babe,” he told her. “And yeah, she’ll probably be gorgeous because I’ll want that fire for her when I’m eating her pussy. But this,” he indicated the room with a tilt of his head, “this is just a pain in my ass.”

Her voice was small when she shared, “I heard you tell your mom you’re moving to Nashville and it wouldn’t be good to meet a woman now and drag her there.”

And it comes out.

Why didn’t she lead with that?

Why hit him with a load of shit when she was clearly more into him than he knew and wanted him to be into her?

“I was just messing with her, though I wouldn’t mind heading to Nashville. That’s not the point. You’ve got no idea my relationship with Margot or my plans for the future, immediate or otherwise. But just to say, if I’m willing to die for a woman, Kristy, when I meet her, it goes without saying I’d be willing to stick. And if I feel I gotta bounce, I’ll be willing to put the effort into talking her into coming with me,” he explained, what he considered unnecessarily.

“And obviously I’m not that girl.”

Was she out of her mind?

Toby didn’t field that one.

She read his silence correctly.

“Right. Great. Just sayin’, not in the mood to spend more time with you. So I’m gonna call a taxi,” she snapped.

“Maybe that’s a good idea.”

She strolled his way, going all out with the sway of her hips to the point he worried she’d take herself off balance.

“Good luck finding your fantasy girl,” she bid acidly.

“Thanks,” he muttered, getting out of her way.

He let her pass him but followed her out.

He didn’t lock his front door when she slammed it behind her.

But he did Copyright 2016 - 2024