Slaye - Kiersten White Page 0,122

already feel sick, gutted by the fact that he’s been lying to me our whole lives. I can’t believe I picked a worse crush than Artemis. Wait—did I pick a worse crush than Buffy?

I have to get away from him. I don’t think I can restrain him, though. I’ll go for speed and hope the Doug drugging doesn’t wear off fast. “Hey, you know what would make me super happy? Sit right here.”

He grabs my hands, his smile painfully intense. “You deserve so much better than me. But I’m still glad I came back. Even with all the harm I’ve done. Is that selfish?” His face briefly clouds. Then he’s distracted by my hands. “Look at your fingers. They’re perfect. I’ll make sure you never have to punch anything again.”

I withdraw my hand and pat Leo on the head. “Wait here. I’ll be right back!”

He nods, his hands encircling my waist. “Hurry, okay? There’s something we need to do. I’m trying to remember. . . .”

“I’ll hurry!” I twist free and walk away, periodically turning to wave at Leo so he won’t get alarmed and snap out of it. A bird lands nearby, distracting him.

I change direction, sprinting out of Leo’s sight line.

Hot tears fill my eyes. The boy I let myself trust and fall for again is possibly a demon. I don’t know where my mother and her demon conspiring and Slayer tracking fit into all of this or if she’s in trouble. I still have to chase down Honora and Sean. And I’ve got to tell the castle that Leo Silvera has gone bad.

It’s even worse than the last time my crush on him crushed me. Because this time, I’m certain he actually cares about me. And it doesn’t change anything. It only makes me an absolute idiot for not suspecting him sooner.

• • •

I throw open our bedroom door. “Artemis! It wasn’t Doug or Mom. And we’ve got another problem because— Oh, hello, Mrs. Silvera, what are you doing here?”

Artemis gapes at me as I give Eve my best I didn’t just leave your probably demonic son high in the middle of the woods smile. Until I know what Leo’s secrets are, I’m not giving his mother information. I hate that suspicion has clouded the trust I have in Eve. For some reason it’s worse than suspecting my mom was up to no good. Maybe because Eve has never failed me.

She sits on my bed and crosses her legs, resting her hands primly on her knee. “Artemis had some very disturbing news about your mother. I’m concerned.”

“I don’t think my mom has done anything wrong.” I give Artemis a heavy look, but she frowns at me. Of all the times for us to be out of sync, this is quite possibly the worst.

Eve nods. “Helen has done so much for the Council. I would never rush to judgment. But if it’s true she’s working with a demon, I am worried that she’s introduced danger to us—and especially you. Do you know where your mother’s book is? The one with the information on Slayers and demons? We have to make certain none of the other Slayers she knows about have been hurt or killed. And I can’t do that unless I can find them.”

“Yeah. We should schedule a Council meeting.” A Council meeting will take forever. It’ll give me time to talk to Artemis alone and to get to Dublin. I’ll have Artemis take Jade, Imogen, and the Littles out of here. Rhys and Cillian will have to hide too, since Leo knows where they are and we can’t trust him anymore.

I desperately hope Leo isn’t behind the attacks. Some of the information lines up but not all of it. I can’t think of when he could have gone to Dublin and killed Cosmina. And he seemed genuinely surprised and upset by her death. Rhys and Cillian are still fine. It doesn’t make sense for Leo to attack Cillian in the first place.

But I can’t know anything for certain, so I’ll treat everyone except my friends as a threat.

Eve stands, studying my bookshelf. Maybe she has no idea about Leo. It certainly isn’t unusual among Watchers to have no clue what their kids are doing or even what their kids are.

“Artemis.” I very deliberately turn on the ceiling fan. I look up at it then back down at her, hoping she’ll get my meaning that there’s a threat. That we need to be careful.

She frowns. And then finally Copyright 2016 - 2024