Slay Belles & Mayhem - Dani Rene Page 0,8

my cage, scared Malachi’s discovered my pleas for help. But it’s not him, it’s a man I don’t recognize. His slimline hips are dressed in dark jeans with a black t-shirt. His arms are thick with muscle and tattooed with intricate designs. His short, brown hair is messy, and a few days growth of stubble adorns his strong jaw line. He’s handsome.

“Who are you?” I question.

The man doesn’t look evil, but I fear anyone who enters this house. The door opens wider, and my brother trots in. I’ve not seen him in a year, but I’d recognize his stag form anywhere.

“Connor,” I cry, happy to see him alive.

My biggest fear was Malachi hunting him down. My brother comes up to the glass of my cage and rests his head as best as he can against it.

“Are you two a couple?” the stranger asks.

“No,” I reply instantly. “He’s my brother.”

“I’m sorry.” The man starts to examine the cage. “Can you tell me what happened to you and your brother? I’m afraid I don’t speak deer,” he asks with a laugh, and Connor stomps his hoof in annoyance on the wooden floor. “My apologies. I was trying to lighten the mood. This house freaks me the fuck out. It’s filled with a sorrow far greater than the sadness emanating from both you and your sister.”

I’ve learned a lot about magic over the last year. If the stranger can sense feelings, then he’s probably not completely human. Malachi got his powers by selling his soul to the devil. I can’t help wondering how the man in front of me got his.

“Do you have magical powers?” I question.

“I’m half witch from my mother’s side of the family. We’re descended from the first druids on earth—they were magical protectors sent by God. Their powers have been passed down through the generations ever since.”

“So you’re a good witch.”

“Yes. I’m Griffon by the way.”


“Hi, Nyah.” He pauses and smacks his lips together in thought before saying,“Am I right in guessing you don’t want to be in this cage, and your brother wasn’t originally a stag?”

He taps at the glass.

“I was trapped in here by Malachi. He’s an evil, old witch.”

“Was that the decrepit guy I saw leaving earlier?”

I nod.

“Malachi’s ancient. He was hung as a witch in the past, and he sold his soul to the devil to save himself. In a few hours, he’ll take me as his wife, and when he…” I can’t finish my explanation. It’s too horrible to admit.

“…rapes you.” Griffon’s hands clench tight, his lips purse together, and I can tell he’s angry.

“Yes,” I reply weakly. “When he does, he’ll take my life force, and he’ll keep doing it until eventually he kills me.”

Griffon goes quiet. I can tell he’s tempering down his fury. His hands are shaking.

“We need to get you out of here.”

Connor kicks his hoof hard against the cage, but nothing happens.

“We’ve tried to smash it. Nothing works—it‘s unbreakable.”

I place my hand flat against the glass. Griffon loosens his fist and presses his own large hand against the impenetrable barrier, so it’s covering mine.

“That’s because the glass is magical.”

He takes his hand back and pulls his mobile out.

“Fuck! No service. Shit! Come on, brain, remember.” He bashes the side of his head, and Connor looks at him like he’s crazy.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Trying to remember how to access my powers. I haven’t practiced much magic for a while.” He’s clearly frustrated, and my heart deflates. “Dominic,” he speaks into the air. “Dominic,” he repeats, this time more forcefully.

“What?” A booming voice echoes around the room as another man appears.

This one’s dressed in a black dress shirt and dress pants with shiny black shoes. He’s massive and as frightening as the devil, and he makes my blood curdle. He’s even more scary looking than Malachi.

“I got a bit sidetracked, boss,” Griffon addresses the newcomer.

The other man, who must be Dominic, looks around the room.

“Why is she in a glass cage, and what’s with the reindeer? Did you take a wrong turn and end up at the North Pole?”

“No, I went for a piss and ended up being approached by a human who’s been turned into a stag. He then led me to his sister who’s being held in this cage by a guy who wants to rape her and feed off her innocence.”

“Why do you always have to complicate a job? Isn’t killing a fucker good enough for you?” Dominic scowls at Griffon.

“I like complicated—what can I say?” Copyright 2016 - 2024