Slay Belles & Mayhem - Dani Rene Page 0,53

mansion. The building is three floors of pure opulence. Wealth drips from every corner of my grandmother’s home, and as much as I’d rather be at home, it’s a reprieve from sitting and listening to my mother telling me what a disappointment I am.

The driver opens my door before offering me his hand, which I accept. The moment I step foot on the soft soil, awareness of being watched slithers over me. It feels as if there are eyes on me, waiting in the shadows. But as I turn to look out at the long driveway, taking in the trees surrounding the estate, I don’t see anything in the darkness. It’s late, nearing nine in the evening, and after the long day, I’m exhausted.

“Miss Bardot,” Ellington, my driver, calls to me to get my attention. “I’ll get the bags,” he tells me. “Please wait at the door for me.”

Nodding, I offer him a smile before making my way toward the large, ornate entrance that beckons. The dark wooden door, with a wrought-iron handle and knocker, sends more cold awareness through me.

This will be my home for the next four weeks. As much as I wanted space from my parents and their constant bickering, when I glance around the property, the ghostly feel of the place makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

The rumors of Gran’s mental capacity have been whispers I grew up with, and I have a feeling that’s why my parents agreed to me visiting her. Perhaps they want this stupid ball to go off without a hitch, so the Bardot name isn’t tarnished. That’s all they care about anyway, and that’s the reason they sent me, instead of coming themselves.

With my last name, I’m known throughout the country as the most eligible bachelorette, but even though my reputation precedes me, I’m still single. Much to my mother’s disgrace.

By the time I turn twenty-one, I should be married with children, at least according to my mother. The traditions that run in my family are archaic. Even though we’re in the twenty-first century, they seem to think we’re still living in the middle ages.

“Here you are.” Ellington’s voice causes me to jump as he walks up behind me. “I’m sorry, miss,” he apologizes with a tepid smile. I watch as he pushes the door open, and a loud creak of annoyance comes from the hinges as it gapes, welcoming me inside.

Shockingly, the house is warmer than I expected when I enter. The marble tiles underfoot echo with every click of my heels. But with the long, deep red and brown rug that lies in a straight line, leading up to a sweeping spiral staircase, it gifts the enormous space a hint of balminess.

Unless there’s a heating system of sorts, but if I had to guess correctly, my grandmother would never pay for this place to be kept heated. A heavy chandelier hangs above me, with crystals glinting in the dim light.

“Hello,” a voice comes from my right, forcing me to turn toward a doorway that leads off from the foyer. “Welcome to Bardot Manor.” A woman who looks to be in her mid-forties smiles at me brightly.

“Thank you,” I respond. “I’m—”

“Scarlett Bardot,” she says, interrupting me. “We’ve been so excited to have you visit. I hope you had a lovely trip?”

“Yes, it was acceptable,” I tell her before glancing around once more.

Ellington offers me a nod before tipping his black driver’s hat at us and exits, shutting the heavy door behind him. And that’s the final nail in my proverbial coffin. Once the car leaves, I’m stuck here.

“Let me show you to your room,” the woman, who I still don’t know, says.

“What is your name?”

She gushes, holding her hand to her chest. “I’m so sorry. How rude of me. I’m Estelle,” she informs me before curtsying as if I were the queen and she a mere servant. It seems Gran has taught the staff to bow down to her. I’m not surprised.

“No need for formality. I’m not my grandmother.” Before Estelle can respond, I head toward the staircase and take a few steps up before turning to see the woman following without my bags.

“I’ll have Gray bring those up shortly.”

“Thank you.” I face the staircase, and when Estelle reaches me, she turns left, and I follow. The hallway is carpeted, quieting our footsteps as she takes me all the way to the end and pushes open a dark wooden door. The bedroom ahead is Copyright 2016 - 2024