The Skylark's Secret - Fiona Valpy Page 0,92

sat together on the shore, and Flora held Alec close and spoke to him of the time when there would be no more need for goodbyes: they would take their children to fish in the peat-dark waters of the lochan and to collect shells from the rock pools beside the loch. She didn’t mention the issue of Sir Charles’s opposition to this rosy vision of their future: she supposed that time would resolve the impediment, one way or another. And she didn’t voice the doubts she felt in her own heart about the distance between them and the dark currents of anger and pain that still flowed in Alec, just beneath the surface. Instead, she traced with her fingertips the lines of the anchor and crown on the brooch pinned to her jacket and painted her picture of the years ahead, giving them both something to hold on to.

The seasons wheeled through their ever-changing cycle and the heather-covered hills changed from green to purple to brown. Then, one morning, Flora woke to find them dusted with a capping of white. And her heart lifted as the first rays of the sun made the peaks dazzle against the blue of the winter sky, because she knew it was a sign that Alec should be returning any day now.

A week later, Flora was making the tea, humming to herself while Ruaridh sat by the kitchen window with his bowl of porridge, watching the next convoy of merchantmen begin to converge on Loch Ewe. They both wore their naval uniforms, ready for the day’s duties.

Ruaridh reached for the pair of field glasses that sat on the windowsill and scanned the harbour, watching the activity. Then he turned to Flora with a smile. ‘Come and have a look,’ he said, holding out the binoculars for her to take.

She focused the sights and then gave a little gasp of joy as the familiar lines of the Isla came into view, making for the pier. And standing on the foredeck she could just make out an officer standing to attention alongside the jackstaff, who raised a hand to salute Keeper’s Cottage, as a squall of wind made the surface of the loch dance.

Grabbing her overcoat and cap, Flora hurried down to the base. But to her dismay, she found she wasn’t the only one who’d come to welcome Alec home. Sir Charles stood at the end of the pier with his spaniel at his feet. On seeing Flora, the dog bounded over, tail wagging, and pushed its damp nose into her hand until she caressed its soft ears and broad bony forehead.

‘Corry! Heel!’ Sir Charles snapped. The spaniel immediately crept back to her master’s side, head lowered in fear.

‘Good morning, Sir Charles,’ Flora said politely. ‘Isn’t it good to see the Isla back in port again?’

He glanced at her coolly before turning back to watch the ship as it manoeuvred into position. ‘Shouldn’t you be going about your duties, Miss Gordon?’

She glanced at her wristwatch. ‘I’ve another ten minutes before my shift begins, so I thought I’d come down and welcome Alec home first.’

A muscle in his jaw twitched with annoyance. ‘Well, as you can see, I am here already. There’s no need for a delegation. I’m sure my son will wish to come straight back to Ardtuath House to see his mother. There’ll be time enough for your welcome’ – he stressed the word with a sarcastic sneer – ‘later on, when you’ve finished your work. His Majesty’s Navy isn’t paying you to loiter here, distracting the men and getting in the way of important operations.’

Flora’s fingers curled around the brooch in her coat pocket, squeezing it so tightly that the point of the crown dug into the flesh of her hand. She was about to reply when he wheeled around to glare at her, his face dark with anger. She recoiled in horror, recognising again that flash of likeness between father and son.

‘Would you like me to have a word with your commanding officer, Miss Gordon? Or perhaps with the camp commander, who’s a personal friend of mine? You would do well to remember that. I could easily have you transferred to another base, and that brother of yours as well. I’ve no doubt he enjoys his nice safe position on dry land, while others like my son are off facing the perils out at sea.’ He spat the words at her, little flecks of spittle gathering in the creases at the sides of Copyright 2016 - 2024