Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,74

weapons,” the stranger chastised. “At this moment, I mean you no harm.”

With obvious reluctance, Jaron and Salvo slowly lowered their weapons. Had Malik just told them to deescalate? They both looked unhappy with their own actions.

Malik kept his pistol trained on the intruder though his tone was less hostile. “Say what you came to say and get out.”

“My nephew was a cowardly reprobate, but he had his father’s instincts. Despite my continual attempts to sabotage Hastos, he always managed to survive—until now.”

“What do you want?” Malik asked brusquely.

“Cretzian custom requires me to express my gratitude and I take our traditions very seriously. Thanks to you Hastos’ brief and pointless rebellion is at an end. His followers will see him as the misguided failure he was and balance will be restored to my dimension.”

“You’re welcome, now get the hell out!” Malik snapped.

“The feeling is mutual,” the Cretzian sneered. “I will leave you with a warning. If any Sarronti ship is detected in Cretzian space it will be obliterated without hesitation. Stay in your dimension and we will stay in ours!” Before Malik could respond, the Cretzian disappeared.

“Wow. He was the friendly sort,” Natalie muttered. “No wonder Hastos was so screwed up with relatives like that.”

“We’ve always wondered who ordered Hastos’ team to leave their weapons behind,” Salvo said thoughtful. “Now we have our answer. Maybe Hastos wasn’t as incompetent as he seemed.”

“What is wrong with you two?” Nikki objected. “Hastos was a bloodthirsty murderer. So was Zerna. I’m sorry if it makes me callous, but I’m glad they’re dead.”

Jaron gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. “We have been unraveling this tangle since Velmar first sensed the kwaris. It just feels good to finally understand where all the pieces fit.”

She sighed. Her wounds were still too raw for such objectivity.

“Do you believe him?” Jaron asked Malik. “Will he stay in his dimension if we stay in ours?”

“Time will tell, but his attitude confirms what Hastos told Zerna.” He paused as if considering it a little deeper then said, “I don’t think the Cretzians will be a problem as long as that bastard is in power.”

Everyone lapsed into silence as they processed the rapid-fire events.

“I need a drink,” Salvo decided. “This is not how I saw this unfolding but I’m not dissatisfied with the outcome.”

Malik responded with a noncommittal sound. “Let’s make sure the facility is secure and they didn’t leave behind any explosives.”

All three males departed to conduct the search while Nikki and Natalie sank onto two of the chairs in front of the security grid.

“Damn girl, that was wild.” Natalie shook her head, features expressing her disbelief. “This is why I hide out in the kitchen. That was way too much excitement for my taste.”

Nikki wholeheartedly agreed.

The males returned a few minutes later.

“Did you find anything?” Nikki asked coming up out of her chair.

“Mercifully, no,” Jaron told her as she moved to his side.

“Well, I’m with Salvo,” Malik insisted. “I’m more than ready to catch my breath and enjoy a drink with my friends.”

They were all in agreement, so Salvo opened a portal to his living room. Everyone quickly filed through and he closed the portal behind him. “I’m having motril. What does everyone else want?”

Jaron and Malik requested motril, but Natalie shuddered. “I don’t know how you guys drink that stuff. It takes like rubbing alcohol. Print a bottle of orris berry wine for me and Nikki. We have more refined tastes.”

Salvo blew her a kiss then went to print the drinks.

The sun was setting, so Natalie deactivated the filter on the massive picture window, offering everyone a stunning view of the city. Salvo passed out the drinks and companionable silence descended on the room.

“I’m sure as hells glad our rebellion has been more successful than Hastos’,” Malik said distractedly. “He was trying to change longstanding traditions, to modernize a xenophobic culture. The specifics of our goals are different, but the basic concept is much the same.”

“Or he was a narcissistic psychopath with a god complex,” Nikki countered. “He might have justified his selfish ambitions with a ‘greater good’ argument, but he was still a wannabe dictator just like his lover.”

“Well, there you have it,” Malik said with a chuckle. “I stand corrected. Both Hastos and Zerna suffered the consequences of their actions. I too am glad they are dead.”

Kara arrived a short time later and received a dizzying review of the day’s events. “So, Hastos and Zerna are dead, Kantor and Indrex leave for Diquib Three in the morning, and the Cretzians are no longer a threat? Holy crap, I need to stay away more often.” She strolled closer to the window as the buildings began to glow gold, orange and red. “Can you see this?” she asked her mate, awe clear in her voice.

Malik moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “It’s lovely,” he muttered, but he was looking down at her instead of at the colorful sunset.

Salvo took Natalie by the hand and drew her closer to the window as well. “This is as close to peace as we’ve come since the rebellion began.” He put his arm around Natalie and pulled her snug against his side.

“We should enjoy it while it lasts,” Natalie advised.

Jaron pulled Nikki into his arms and kissed her gently. Affection and gratitude poured into her mind. Regardless of what the future holds. I will love you with my entire being.

She returned the kiss and the emotions as she whispered into his mind, As I will love you, mate.

“I thought we were going out to dinner,” Kara chided playfully. “Clearly, Jaron and Nikki have other things on their minds.”

They broke apart with a laugh. “We will attempt to control our selves long enough to enjoy the meal.”

“Food will give us more strength for later anyway,” Nikki added and more chuckles ensued.

“Our reservation is in twenty minutes,” Salvo informed. “We should probably head out.”

“That’s enough time to get there by shuttle, if you’re tired of playing doorman,” Kara told him.

“Such is the lot of a lowly sentinel,” Salvo said dramatically. “I have long since accepted my demeaning role in life.”

“Sure you have,” Malik gave him a playful shove. “So get the door open, lowly doorman.”

Nikki watched the banter and her heart filled with emotions, love, hope and a wonderful sense of belonging. She might have gone through hell to get here, but she was thrilled with the result. She had a mate that she loved to distraction, a group of friends, and a meaningful job. Her life might not look anything like she anticipated, but it was richer than she’d ever dreamed.

Jaron slipped his hand into hers and entwined their fingers. “You all right?” His warm green gaze assessed her face with just a hint of concern.

“I’ve never been better,” she assured, then rocked to the balls of her feet so she could reach his mouth.

“They’re at it again,” Natalie complained with a good natured chuckle. “Do you two need a raincheck?”

Jaron laughed and wrapped his arm around Nikki’s waist. “I’ll be on my best behavior. I promise.”

“Me too,” Nikki said with a serious expression as she reached down and pinched his butt. Copyright 2016 - 2024