Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,71

She wanted to know the where the ingredients had come from and the specific techniques for preparing it. The server didn’t know many of the answers, so he went and got the chef. As Natalie spoke with the chef, it became obvious that they were kindred souls.

“Are you a trained chef or just an avid foodie?” Nikki asked after the chef went back to the kitchen.

“My parents own a restaurant, so it was basically unavoidable,” Natalie explained. “I have some training, but mostly I learned from my relatives.”

“I can barely boil water,” Nikki admitted. “Maybe you can teach me some basic skills.”

“I’d love that.”

Natalie checked in with Salvo and learned that the meeting had just concluded, so the women headed back to the detention center.

“So have you accepted that Jaron is your soulmate?” A hint of challenge sharpened Natalie’s tone but her dark gaze remained warm and friendly.

“I have, but he doesn’t think I’m ready to be claimed.” Nikki didn’t want to get into the details of what went on between Jaron and her, but it felt nice to confide in someone. “I’m not sure I agree with him. There is no doubt that we love each other, so what are we waiting for?”

“You have been through a ton. It takes time to process that sort of trauma. Kara and I made a conscious decision to stay here. Most of what happened to you was beyond your control. I agree with Jaron. It makes sense to take things slower than Kara and I did. By the way, having Jaron—the biggest playboy on this planet—make the suggestion is further proof that he genuinely loves you.”

Nikki smiled, pleased with the conclusion. “Where is Kara?”

“She coordinates the construction of the alliance outposts. They’re getting ready to break ground in Wind Rider Village, so there was a big planning session with the village elders.”

They arrived a few minutes later and Nikki tried to picture the stately former-municipal building without the graffiti and overgrown vegetation. The side sections of the polished stone stairs had all but disintegrated, but the wide middle section was still in relatively good shape. Thick, smooth columns supported the second story balcony and created a wide, covered entry area. Unlike the Greek Revival style so popular in America, the Sarronti favored rounded corners and sleek, clean lines. The wide corridors were bare of artwork and she’d been told the upper levels were unsafe.

“You get used to it,” Natalie assured her. “There’s a lot here we can’t change, so stay focused on what we can.”

It was good advice. Still, Nikki allowed herself a moment of sadness for everything the Sarronti had lost.

The males were deep in conversation when Nikki and Natalie joined them in the control room.

“I understand the rational,” Malik was saying, “but I still disagree with the outcome.”

Salvo noticed his mate and immediately got up and crossed to her. “I never should have let you two go alone. I was tied in knots the entire time you were gone.”

Natalie kissed him even as she shook her head. “You’re being ridiculous. The three worst troublemakers are right down the hall.”

“So what did you think?” Jaron stood as well, but stayed by the control console. Malik sat beside him.

“I think Natalie has a partner and you’re moving your headquarters to Ghost City.”

He went to her and pulled her into his arms. “I’m really excited for both of you. I thought the project was a good fit for your priorities and personality.” He kissed her briefly, but was obviously still distracted by the meeting.

“So what did the council have to say?” Natalie asked the room at large. When no one spoke up, she looked at Malik and tried again, “You didn’t sound happy about their decision. What happened?”

“The tribunal was held yesterday. Because they were dealing with treason, the United Council had to approve their decision. Well, they just voted to ratify the recommendation,” Malik grumbled. “I think it’s a mistake.”

“What did they decide?” Natalie wanted to know.

“Diquib Three.” He made a face illustrating his disapproval.

Salvo stepped away from his mate and walked back toward his brother. “Our objective is to avoid a bloody civil war. Executing three elite leaders, one with ancient blood, and one a village chief would have provoked a widespread revolt among the elite. Diquib Three is the only viable option.”

“What is Diquib Three?” Nikki asked.

“It’s a massive multi-planet penal complex in a neighboring star system,” Jaron told her. “Kantor and Indrex were given two years, but Zerna will Copyright 2016 - 2024