Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,68

of kin. The only reason I am able to tell you anything about your friends is because the Flacks gave me permission to keep you updated.”

“I wasn’t aware.” But she was thrilled by the discovery. The pressure of making decisions for her friends had weighed heavily on her from the beginning. Their parents were a much better choice.

“And speaking of the Flacks,” Arpovae went on, “they heard about the cover story you developed with Kara and Natalie. The Flacks agree that it will protect their daughters and prevent undue suspicion. They intend to tell each daughter the full truth when and if they are strong enough to deal with what really happened. But for the time being, they ask that you reinforce the cover story.”

“Of course. That’s what I told my parents when I spoke with them, so this will keep everything consistent.”

“Good. Now, Selina is still pretty despondent, but Haley has asked for you several times.”

She was happy that Haley wanted to see her, but couldn’t help but ask, “You expect Selina to improve, correct?”

“All of my patients make full recoveries because I do not stop treating them until they do.”

“Sorry.” Nikki smiled. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“You’re forgiven,” she said easily. “By the way, you need to come to the capital at your earliest convenience. I have looked over your scans and don’t anticipate a problem. However, we would both rest more comfortably if you allow me to do a complete medical assessment. I understand your aversion of medical procedures, but I am soon to be family. Nothing I do will harm you in any way.”

Nikki nodded, but trusting the doctor didn’t keep her from dreading the experience. “Per your recommendation, I’ve decided not to undergo genetic regression, so the workup is a wise precaution.”

“Excellent. Now, do you have time to speak with Haley or shall I arrange it for later?”

She looked at Jaron and he made a helpless gesture. “I’ll keep it brief. I promise.”

“Take your time. I’ll let Malik know we’re running really late.” He moved away from the table to speak with his cousin.

“Haley is doing much better, but she can still become disoriented quickly,” Arpovae warned. “I think it best if I remain at her side. Is this all right with you?”

“Of course. Whatever is best for Haley.”

“She asked for you by name, but there is a small chance she won’t recognize you when she sees you. Don’t be upset by this. Usually a few minutes of conversation will allow Haley to connect your appearance with the person in her mind.”

Nikki nodded. Haley and Selina might have a longer recovery than Nikki had hoped, but Arpovae would ensure that they were fully restored to the women they had been before their captivity. No one on Earth would have been able to come close to such an outcome.

Haley was led into Arpovae’s office and sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Arpovae rounded the desk and sat beside Haley then motioned toward Nikki’s image. “Look, Haley, one of your friends wanted to say hello. Do you remember who this is?”

Haley shifted her wide gray-blue eyes toward Nikki. Nikki held her breath, terrified that her friend wouldn’t recognize her. But Haley smiled broadly and cried, “Nikki! It’s so good to see someone I know. Where are you? When can you come see me? Everything is so confusing.”

“It’s great to see you too,” Nikki told her honestly. “I’m not sure when I can come in person, but I’ll holo-com you every day, maybe twice a day if you want me to.”

They chatted with remarkable ease after that. Nikki was relieved to find Haley’s thought processes only slightly muddled. Her memory loss was patchy. Some of the events Nikki mentioned Haley remembered immediately while others drew a blank. Haley asked about several details of the cover story she had been told, so Nikki was careful to reinforce the lies. It was for their protection. Nikki knew that, but she still didn’t like lying to her friend.

After about ten minutes, Arpovae interrupted. “All right, Haley. I think we should let Nikki go. I don’t want you to tire yourself out. You’re still really weak.”

“All right.” She looked at Nikki and her smile turned sad. “Call again soon. I feel so...lost in this place.”

“I will. I promise. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow.”

Arpovae ended the com and Nikki blinked back her tears. Haley was better than she’d feared, but it was obvious that her Copyright 2016 - 2024