Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,66

him, she untangled their hands and lifted her arms so she could reach his face. His hips continued their steady rhythm, filling her deeply with each long stroke. She caressed his face, his neck and shoulders, reinforcing their emotional link with the tactile connection.

He shifted position, slipping one arm beneath her neck as he braced himself with the other hand. His movements grew stronger, faster as his need for her intensified.

She bent her knees and drew her legs up high on his sides, giving him better access to her depths. Their bodies were joined completely, linked as deeply as possible. She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him, stroking his tongue as boldly as he filled her core.

Their mental link vibrated with the force of their physical joining. Raw emotions poured into her mind. She surrendered to the maelstrom, offering herself as eagerly as he shared himself with her. They were unified, one body, one mind, and one spirit. It was a beautiful glimpse of what life would be like as soul-bonded mates.

The thought pushed her over the edge. She tore her mouth away from his, crying out as the orgasm hit her. Powerful bursts of pleasure rippled through her core, radiating to every part of her body. She arched beneath him, inner walls squeezing tight around his still surging cock.

Jaron thrust fast and hard for a moment then joined her in ecstasy. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his chest as his seed pulsed into her body. His pleasure prolonged hers and her emotions intensified his release.

They kissed deeply, tenderly as the universe refocused around them. Once they recovered enough to move, Jaron rolled them to their sides, miraculously maintaining their joining. He stroked her hair and caressed her face with his heavy-lidded gaze.

“Are we sleeping here tonight?” she asked several minutes later.

Clearly confused by the question, he asked, “Where would you rather go?”

She laughed and kissed his lips. “I meant on the floor. It’s hard and I’m getting cold.”

He chuckled and reluctantly separated their bodies, then helped her to her feet. “The cold I might have been able to combat, but there is nothing I can do about the hard part.”

“Well, I love dealing with your hard part so maybe I should take the lead.”

“Is that so?” He scooped her up in his arms and hurried toward the nearest bedroom. “I’m not very good at letting others lead, but I’m willing to let you try.”

Chapter Eight

“I have a surprise for you,” Jaron announced as they finished breakfast the following morning.

Nikki had been disappointed to wake up alone, but the tenderness in his gaze right now assured her that he’d had a good reason for leaving her side. “I love surprises.”

He swept his hand upward then made an intricate sign with his fingers. Four images appeared in the center of the table, one slightly larger than the others. “This,” he indicated the larger image, “is Soria Farr, your grandmother.”

Nikki’s eyes widened and emotion tightened her throat. Soria was lovely with light brown hair and pastel blue eyes. “I knew her name sounded familiar when my father said it, but it took me a while to place it. Isn’t Farr also Indrex’s last name? Am I related to one of the leaders of the opposition?”

“You are very distant cousins,” Jaron admitted. “However, Soria had two children after she returned to Sarronti Prime. This is her son and daughter.” He indicated the images to Soria’s right. “The last image is her granddaughter which makes her your niece. A much closer connection than the one you share with Indrex.”

“Do any of them know about me?” she was almost afraid to ask. Would they resent her?

“I do not know. I wasn’t sure if you would want to contact them.”

Soria was no longer alive. Did it really make sense to barge into the lives of relatives she never even knew existed? She desperately wanted to meet them, but it seemed a little selfish given the circumstances. “Is Soria’s mate still alive?”

“He is. His name is Larm Dartton and he lives in Wind Rider Village.”

“Could you please ask him if he knows about me? If he knows nothing about Soria’s life on Earth, it might be better to leave it alone.”

“I’m not sure I agree, but I will ask.”

She hadn’t meant right then, but he activated the control band in his arm and activated an audio-com.

“Thank you for accepting the com, Brother Dartton,” Jaron said after a short pause. Copyright 2016 - 2024