Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,64

are incredibly hard to keep. All of you were safer not knowing.”

Her parents stared at each other for a long, silent moment, then Janice sighed and looked at Jaron. “So tell me all about yourself. What do you do for a living? How did you and Nikki meet?”

For the next hour, Jaron extoled her parents with tales of Sarronti Prime. He told them he was a private investigator, which she knew was also true, he just spent more time helping the rebellion than solving private mysteries for his clientele.

“You have got to arrange something like this for the Flacks,” Janice said as the conversation was winding down. “There is no way they will believe Haley and Selina are still alive until they see them with their own eyes.”

“Their condition is improving every day,” Jaron assured. “They will soon be strong enough to visit with their parents.”

Nikki said goodbye to her parents then looked at her soon-to-be-mate. “Is that really true. Today was so busy that I forgot to ask about them.”

“They both underwent the procedure, but Aunt Arpovae warned us not to judge the results right away. Temporary amnesia is a very common side effect with this sort of reset.”

Nikki tensed at the inference. “Meaning neither of them remember anything?”

“Yes. However, they are calm and rational. All indications of psychosis are gone.”

That was encouraging at least. Maybe not remembering their captivity was a mercy. Nikki wouldn’t mind forgetting the long weeks of neglect, discomfort and fear.

Jaron wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his side. “It’s over, love. Everyone is safe and we are in the process of holding them accountable for their actions.”

She leaned into him, placing her head on his shoulder. “My parents seemed to like you.”

“How can they not. I’m likable.”

She punched him playfully in the belly, but he just laughed. “Humble too.”

“What I am is desperate for my mate.” His voice dropped to a growly sort of whisper as his mouth found hers.

She tilted her head back and parted her lips, more than ready to let the universe slip away. She stroked his face as their lips pressed and slid. Their breaths mingled laden with each other’s scent. He always smelled fresh and woodsy like the village he called home. His tongue teased her lips then slowly eased inside her mouth. She greeted him with her tongue, loving his taste even more than his scent.

“We can either move to the bedroom or I’m going to undress you right here.” His lips caressed hers as he spoke.

She crawled onto the couch and straddled his lap. “I see no reason to waste time undressing.” She leaned down and whispered in his ear. “You forgot to print underwear for me this morning. I’ve been naked under my skirt all day.”

His smoldering desire flared into brilliant flames. He quickly found the hem of her skirt and buried both hands beneath. His warm fingers slid up her thighs and then cupped her bare bottom. “You naughty female.”

“You’re the one who forgot my panties,” she objected, grinning all the while.

“I suspect I shall forget them more often.” One of his hands grasped the back of her neck as the other slipped between her thighs.

The kiss was urgent this time, demanding, but his touch was still gentle. She moved her legs farther apart, making more room for his hand. She’d gotten wet as soon as he kissed her, so his fingers slid easily, exploring and teasing. She rocked against his hand, trying to bring his touch where she needed it most.

“Is this what you want, naughty mate?” He lightly rubbed her clit and she moaned.

“Yes, God yes.” She was so close all ready. It was ridiculous how quickly he could bring her to orgasm. A few more caresses and pleasure pulsed out from her core spilling into her arms and legs.

He reached between them and unfastened his pants, clearly meaning to join their bodies. She slipped off his lap and knelt on the floor, a sexy smile bowing her lips. “Your turn, sweetheart.” Pushing his legs apart, she crawled closer and wrapped her fingers around his long, hard cock.

His lids drooped as she stroked him, but the waves of scalding desire spilling across their link told her that he wouldn’t last long. Wanting to enjoy pleasing him for as long as possible, she bent and took him into her mouth. He felt warm and smooth against her lips, the most intoxicating combination of soft and hard. She swirled her tongue around Copyright 2016 - 2024