Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,62

the Opposition Force are in custody. The kwaris is no longer a threat. Let’s call this a win and move on. Surely, you two have better things to do than fixating over resolved conflicts.”

Jaron looked at her and smiled. “An extremely valid point.”

She returned his smile as her cheeks heated.

“One last thing before I go, if I may.”

“Of course,” Jaron responded.

Velmar looked at her, his angular features expressionless. “Have you decided whether or not to keep your abilities? Your potential is extraordinary.”

“I’m leaning toward keeping them,” she admitted. “But I haven’t made the final decision.”

“Understood. If you keep them, I would be willing to mentor you. If you are interested, of course. Contrary to what you believe, I do not go where I am not wanted.”

Surprised and intrigued by the offer, Nikki’s first instinct was to immediately agree. But she couldn’t quite forget how rude and dislikable he had been when they first met. What if that Velmar returned after she’d agreed to let him train her? “That’s an extremely generous offer. I’ll add to my list of pros and cons.”

“Do I dare ask which column I fall under?”

She smiled, relieved by his reaction. “At the moment you’re a pro.”

“I’ll endeavor to stay that way.” He departed as abruptly as he’d arrived.

“Are you warming up to him?” Jaron asked hopefully. “He’s one of my best friends.”

“Today was a good Velmar day, but I’m still a little leery that he’ll relapse into the jackass I first met.”

“I can live with that.” Jaron pivoted toward her. “Do you realize what a rare gift he offered you? Most of the people on this planet would drop everything and stand in line for the chance to be mentored by Velmar.”

“I get it, but I’m not sure I want or need the skills he is offering. I can’t do what you do on a regular basis. I’m not cut out for paramilitary missions.”

“Understood, and no one will try to pressure you into anything. I won’t allow it.”

She could sense the emotions making him protective so his mildly possessive tone didn’t bother her. “I still need to talk to Natalie. I think what she’s doing with the orphans could really appeal to me.”

He nodded and stroked her hair. “And if that isn’t a good fit we’ll find something else. All I want is for you to be happy.”

“It’s not hard for me to find my place in the world. Sedona wasn’t my idea and yet I found contentment there. I know I can find something I’ll enjoy here. And contentment will be much easier to achieve with you in the picture.” They kissed, the exchange slow and tender, but when he tried to pull her closer, she eased away. “I have one last request before we go check out the bedroom.”

“Anything.” He raised one of her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

“You hacked in to my mother’s cell phone. Is there any way to trigger a video call?”

“It’s more complicated, but it can be done.”

“I really need to speak with my parents and I need to see them when I do it.”

It took him about twenty minutes to set everything up. First, they sent a text message to her mother telling her to answer the video call. Her mother wasn’t able to respond, so they didn’t know whether or not she got the message until she activated the video call.

Nikki held her breath as she waited for her mother to respond. Janice’s mastery of technology could be hit and miss, but she generally did well with her smartphone.

Janice’s image gradually materialized. It wasn’t three-dimensional, but Nikki was thrilled just to be able to see her. “Hi, Mom.”

Janice cried out happily. “I can’t believe it’s actually you. Your father is the only one who believed that you called me and I think he was just being nice.” She turned her head and yelled, “Charles, get down here! Nikki is on the line.”

“Oh good, I was hoping he was home this time. I wanted to speak with both of you.”

Her dad came into view as he sat down beside her mother. His eyes grew comically wide behind his glasses and then he burst into tears, which wasn’t like her father at all.

“It’s okay, daddy.” She desperately wanted to reach through space and give him a nice tight hug. “I’m fine. Clearly, I’m fine.”

“She said you called,” he finally spoke as he gained control of his emotions. “I wanted to believe her, but it didn’t make sense Copyright 2016 - 2024