Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,6

but couldn’t find any sign of it. Then a strange distortion moved through the area, it swooped and hovered then lowered toward the ground. What the hell? Gradually the distortion took shape, revealing a sleek swept-wing transport. It was larger than the shuttles Nikki frequently saw on Earth but not by much. Had it deactivated some sort of shield, like a Klingon cloaking device? Why hadn’t she been able to see it at first?

Jaron picked her up and set her down outside the window then climbed through the opening. His agile movements were hampered by his baggy uniform. Velmar crawled through with obvious effort, the first indication of his fatigue.

Ayran had the hatch open and the ramp down by the time they reached the ship, but guards rushed out of the building before he could get the opening closed again.

Nikki ran up the ramp, frantically looking for cover as bursts of energy exploded all around her. She cried out and instinctively covered her head.

“Get us out of here!” Jaron yelled as he returned fire.

The hatch finally closed and Ayran shouted, “Grab on to something!” He banked sharply as he left the ground then shot straight up into the night sky.

Nikki was thrown against Jaron hard enough to knock them both against the fuselage. They were in a short corridor, the cockpit straight ahead. He braced himself against the adjacent wall with one foot and wrapped his arms around her, holding her firmly until Ayran leveled out.

It was impossible not to notice his hard body pressed so tightly to hers. Any other time it would have been a fantasy come true, but all Nikki wanted to do was get away from him. She was in the arms of the best-looking male she’d ever seen, and she hadn’t showered in three days. To add insult to injury, the closest she’d come to a toothbrush since leaving Earth was her own fingernail. The irony was enough to bring tears to her eyes.

“Are you all right?” Jaron’s face was just above hers.

Humiliated beyond belief, yet thrilled to be free of the Cretzians, she just nodded.

Once the ride steadied, she put some distance between her and Jaron as she looked around. Doors lined both sides of the hallway, but the spacing indicated rooms of different sizes.

Jaron noticed the direction of her curious stare as he rolled up his sleeves again. “That is the crews’ cabin.” He pointed to the first door on her right. “Across the hall is a slightly larger cabin. And that,” he indicated the last opening on her left, “is the galley with an adjacent lounge/dining area. Upfront is master control and observational seating. Engineering and storage are on the lower deck, but you have no reason to go down there.”

The last sentence was clearly a warning. “I have no desire to go down there. Any chance there’s a shower on board?”

“Sonic cleansing stalls are available in both cabins, and clean clothes can be printed in the larger cabin. However, we need to be well away from Cretz before anyone starts using the facilities.”

“Got it.” She hurried to the “observational seating” and joined Haley and Selina. They both looked as dazed as Nikki felt. There were only two seats on each side of the aisle, so hers was slightly apart from theirs. The seats were staggered, making each feel roomier. The area was separated from master control by a divider, but large displays were inset in the divider showing what was going on in the cockpit. The message was clear. Passengers were welcome to watch but not interfere.

“We were starting to wonder if you were coming back,” Haley said with a shaky smile.

Nikki reached across the aisle and squeezed her hand. “I’m fine. And so are you. We’re safe now.” I hope.

“Let me see that thing,” Jaron said to Velmar.

The request was odd enough to make Nikki glance back at them. Velmar lifted his hair so Jaron could examine the metal band encircling Velmar’s neck. A suppression collar, that’s what he had called it.

“It’s not one of ours,” Jaron concluded. “How did the Cretzians know it would be effective on you? They don’t work on everyone.”

“Zerna Stront.” Velmar spat the name as if it were poisonous. “I have no idea how that bitch connected with the Cretzians, but she is the driving force behind the kwaris.”

Did they know they were still speaking English? Even with the courtesy, Nikki hadn’t recognized the last word. “Would Zerna happen to have reddish-orange hair and serious Copyright 2016 - 2024