Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,43

tongue back into his mouth.

He tore his mouth away from hers and grasped her wrist, running for the other end of the tunnel.

She followed, already breathless and flushed from their kisses.

His dwelling was a short distance from the tunnel and there were six other cottages in the cluster, so he slowed his pace to a brisk walk. It was very late, so it was unlikely that anyone would see them. Still, he didn’t want to risk embarrassing Nikki. His reputation was going to be hard enough to overcome without his neighbors teasing her about their early-morning tryst.

A palm scan unlocked his front door, a precaution only necessary because of the military equipment housed inside. Crime was nearly nonexistent in Lake Walker Village.

He led her directly to his bedroom and ordered the lights to twenty percent. He wanted their first time to be romantic, yet he also needed to see her. They kissed for a leisurely moment, then he pulled his tunic off over his head. Her hands ran boldly over his bare torso, exploring with obvious relish. His body responded to her enthusiasm, hardening to the point of pain. He needed to be inside her, needed to be part of her and make her part of him.

Pushing his hands into her hair, he focused on her soft mouth. He would not rush their first joining no matter how badly he ached. Her taste was addictive, so he savored the simple intimacy. He stroked her face with his thumbs as their tongues slid and curved, communicating in a language that needed no translation.

He’d been with more females than he cared to remember, but this felt different, so very different. She was important to him, crucial in a way he didn’t fully understand. Malik and Salvo had found human mates. Perhaps this predilection was genetic. He didn’t know or care. Nikki was his soulmate, there was no doubt. But how in creation would he convince her?

She loosened her belt and reached for the fasteners securing the front of her blouse. His pulse leapt in anticipation as his gaze moved over her face. He looked at her, really looked at her and concern squeezed his chest, followed by a rush of guilt.

Her gaze was wide and luminous but dark smudges circled her eyes. Her cheekbones weren’t just high, they were unnaturally hollow, and fatigue lines creased her brow. What was he doing?

“This is not what you need, my love.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead then stepped back. “I promised to take care of you, and I am being incredibly selfish.”

She licked her lips and lowered her arms. “Shouldn’t I be the one to decide what I need?”

“Ordinarily, I would agree. But your health and wellbeing are at stake here. My mother is right. You need rest and nutrient-dense food. Your body has been neglected for many weeks.”

She made a sound part scoff, part snort that he found adorable. “My body has been neglected a lot longer than that.”

“Let’s focus on restoring your strength and then I’ll happily attend to your body’s other needs.”

She gave in with a sigh. “I’m too damn tired to eat. ‘Nutrient-dense’ will have to wait until breakfast.”

He thought for a moment, then asked, “Do you like hot chocolate?”

“I’m not sure that qualifies as health food, but sure. I’ll drink a mug of cocoa.”

Crossing to the freestanding closet, he pulled out a soft, loose pull-on shirt. “Change into this. I’ll return shortly.”

He went to his tiny kitchen and used the beverage dispenser to print a mug of steaming forinnorak. The rich, creamy beverage was often given to underweight children and those recovering from serious illnesses. The taste was similar to chocolate though it had a slight spicy heat.

When he returned to his bedroom she sat on the edge of the bed, dressing in his shirt, her clothing neatly folded beside her. Only the obvious signs of exhaustion and neglect kept his desire in check. “Try this. It’s not exactly like cocoa, but I think you’ll like it.”

She took the mug from his hand and took a careful sip, then a longer one. “It’s nice.”

“Good. If you’re still awake by the time you finish that one, I’ll print another.”

Knowing he couldn’t stay in the same room without touching her, he turned toward the door.


He looked over his shoulder.

“Thanks, for this and for stopping. I’d rather take our time.”

His body hated his flash of nobility, but he nodded then hurried from the room.

He went to the far corner of the Copyright 2016 - 2024