Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,3

‘come back’ for her. The elves would change their minds as soon as they left this room. “If Aaron gets my friends to safety, I’ll lead you right to yours.”

“Ayran,” Mr. Red Hair corrected. “That’s Jaron.”

“I’m Nikki. That’s Haley and Selina,” Nikki said. “Can you get them out of here or not?”

“That’s not the problem,” Jaron insisted. “It won’t take long for the Cretzians to discover where we came in, and once the alarm sounds, our chances of escape aren’t diminished. They’re gone. We are vastly outnumbered. Our only advantage is the element of surprise.”

“Then we better get moving,” Nikki countered, sounding calmer than she felt. All of her abilities were hit and miss, but Velmar had seemed unusually aware of her presence. None of the Cretzians she’d connected with had reacted in any way. She’d intercepted their internal grumblings, not mind-to-mind conversations. The elves, on the other hand, were clearly telepathic. Maybe that was why Velmar had seemed more aware.

“She’s right,” Ayran offered. “We need to pick a plan and move. Now.”

Though his support was unexpected, it was welcome. Nikki flashed a tentative smile but her belly was tied in knots. What if she couldn’t link with Velmar again? She was promising something she wasn’t sure she could deliver. Her abilities were definitely growing stronger, but she couldn’t always perform on demand. What if— It didn’t matter. Haley and Selina would be out of this hell hole before Jaron figured out that he’d fallen for a bluff. Well, not a bluff so much as an exaggeration.

“Fine.” Jaron looked at Ayran and switched back to his mind-voice. Activate my tracker feed as soon as you reach the ship. I have a horrible feeling that Nikki is full of shit.

Understood. Without even glancing at Nikki, Ayran helped Selina to her feet and motioned Haley from the room.

Haley paused at the door. “Are you sure you’ll be all right?”

“Go,” Nikki urged with a tight smile. “This won’t take long.” As long as Haley and Selina escaped, anything that happened to her would be worth it.

Holding the door aside for Ayran and Selina, Haley exited last.

Nikki closed her eyes and focused on the image of the blue-haired elf. She recreated every detail, the straw piled in the corner of his cell, the stress lines fanning out from his eyes and grim determination revealed by the press of his lips. Her mind was centered and open, and still nothing happened.

“If you don’t know where he is, tell me right now.”

Jaron sounded so impatient that Nikki opened her eyes then gasped. The hulking guard stood in front of her again. “A little warning next time.” Without responding to his demand, she closed her eyes and meticulously tuned out her surroundings. Velmar, I really need your help.

The image formed again but the scene was different. Velmar stood in the middle of the cell, his expression alert, yet wary.

Who are you? Velmar’s mind-voice snapped with accusation.

Your friends are here for you, Nikki told him. Can you show me exactly where you are?

What friends? Name them, or better yet describe them. He returned to the pile of straw in the corner of his cell and resumed his defeated pose, legs drawn up toward his chest, head resting against the wall, eyes closed. Was he being watched? Why was he being so cautious?

She looked at Jaron. “Can I say your name telepathically? I’m speaking with Velmar, but there is a very small chance others can hear as well.”

“My name means nothing to anyone in this dimension, except Velmar.”

She nodded. I’m with Jaron. Ayran was here earlier but he went back to their ship. One has green hair, the other red and black. Now tell me where you are.

Tell them to leave, Velmar insisted without opening his eyes. It’s too dangerous. I will not risk their lives for mine.

Shocked by the vehemence in his directive, she didn’t bother passing on the thought. We both know that’s never going to happen, so stop wasting our time. Show me where you are.

How are you doing this? I have not been able to—

I’ll explain later. She moved to the doorway and looked up and down the corridor. If I show you where I am, can you guide me to you?

I’m in the cells beneath the main fortress. Beyond that, I do not know.

She wasn’t sure she believed him, but she had a basic direction at least. Hopefully, she would be able to lock on to his signal once they were in closer proximity. Copyright 2016 - 2024