Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,12

of possessive. So what the hells was wrong with him?

“I’m very curious,” she defended. “I’m just homesick and emotionally spent. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“It takes more than that to offend me,” Ayran assured.

Not to be outdone, Jaron drew Nikki’s attention back to him. “Don’t listen to him. Ayran sulks like a baby at the slightest provocation.”

“Is that so? At least I focus on one female at a time.” Ayran folded his arms over his chest, but the humor in his gaze assured Jaron that it was all in fun. “Jaron is known for two things, shapeshifting and female conquest. Watch your heart around this one, Nikki. He’s a ruthless flirt.”

Jaron tried to think of a snappy rejoinder, but the accusation was true. “Don’t make it sound so predatory. Every female I flirt with is an enthusiastic participant in the exchange.”

“Well, I’ll leave you to your sulking and you to your flirting,” Nikki told them each in turn. “All I want is to go home.”

“And we’ll get you home as soon as possible.” Ayran assured her, all playfulness gone.

“Is fire the only element you can manipulate?”

She seemed to be interested in Ayran’s abilities rather than Ayran himself, a development that pleased Jaron more than it should. There were countless times he flirted with the same female as Ayran. Neither had ever given the situation a second thought after the female made her choice.

“Isn’t fire enough?” Ayran rolled his shoulders and looked at Jaron. “Better give me five hours, not four.”

“I’ll wake you in six.” Jaron insisted.

Ayran didn’t argue as he headed back inside.

Jaron expected Nikki to follow their example, but she lingered.

“Do you two work together often?” Nikki asked her voice soft and a bit hesitant. “Are you with the military?” She stood with her back to the light now, her face in shadow.

The gleam of her eyes was still visible, but Jaron missed being able to see their vivid blue shade. “We work together when both our skillsets are needed. More often we lead separate teams. And we work with the military on a job-by-job basis. Unlike regular soldiers, we’re never obligated to participate.”

“In other words, you’re mercenaries?”

Jaron had never liked the label even though the definition fit. “More like independent contractors.”

She smiled, the whiteness of her teeth visible in the darkness. “Isn’t that just another name for mercenaries?”

“Mercenaries sell their services to the highest bidder. I only work for one military, and only when they really need what I can do.”

“I’ve seen what you can do. I’m sure they are thrilled to have your help whenever you’re willing to give it.”

Jaron acknowledged the compliment with a nod.

“If this isn’t your fulltime gig, how do you keep bread on the table?”

‘Gig’ generally referred to a musical performance. What did that have to do with the provision of bread? Human languages were filled with vernacular, and it had been many cycles since he’d updated his language infusions. “Are you asking my vocation?”

Another smile parted her lips and the need to pull her back into his arms was nearly overwhelming. If he couldn’t see her delicate features than he would learn their shape and texture with his fingertips and lips.

“Yes. How do you make your living?”

“I investigate crimes or potential crimes for those who require a more creative form of justice.” It was an oversimplification, but it gave her the general idea. Besides, the rebellion had taken up the majority of his time the past few months, and he had no intention of getting into the complexities of Sarronti politics right now.

She stilled her gaze wide and watchful. “Are you a hitman?”

Now he was familiar with that term. He wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or amused by the conclusion. “I am not an assassin. I rescue hostages, recover stolen property and identify mates who are being unfaithful. I defend myself and protect those in my care, but I do not kill indiscriminately.”

“I didn’t mean to insult you,” she stressed. “I’m not sure how I keep doing that.”

He moved half a step closer, desperately needing to touch her. How would she react if he pushed his hands into her hair and kissed her mouth? He cleared his throat. “I’m not insulted. I promise.”

They lapsed into silence as awareness pulsed through him. Did she feel this magnetic attraction, or was it just him? The other two females were doubtlessly asleep in the larger cabin. Maybe that was the only reason Nikki stood here talking with him. Jaron dismissed the possibility. The Copyright 2016 - 2024