Six-Gun - Winter Travers Page 0,40

gulped and stepped back to grab Raelyn’s hand. “Thank you for your time,” I muttered.

Raelyn and I hauled ass out of church and didn’t stop walking ‘til we hit my bedroom and shut the door behind us.

Raelyn panted and looked around wildly. “That is not at all how I planned for our day to go.”

“Fucking tell me about it,” I gasped. I had been minding my business as I filled my cup with coffee when two guys in black suits flanked me, and “helped” me get into the back of a blacked-out Town Car. Raelyn was right behind me with her own set of men in suits.

For a good ten minutes, I was positive I was being kidnapped again and didn’t know if I could make it through it.

Though this kidnapping was obviously done in a much more high-class manner instead of being tossed into a basement and then used as a play thing.

Leo had briefly explained he was an associate of the Bastards and that he was taking us back to the clubhouse.

Raelyn and I had pleaded and begged for him to just let us out and we would go back to the clubhouse on our own, but Leo refused.

Now we were in big trouble with not only Six-Gun and Playboy, but Monk was pretty pissed at us.

Not good at all.

Chapter Sixteen

Crazy MCs…


“Have you ever heard of the Devil’s Knights?” Leo asked.

Monk nodded. “Yeah. Not a lot, but I know they’re from up north.”

Leo nodded. “Southern Wisconsin. My sister married one of their men. They’ve become a sort of an extended family to me.” Leo laughed. “Swear to God, it was like I was back in Wisconsin when I saw your two women just bopping into the gas station with no care in the world but for coffee and donuts.”

I still had no fucking clue why the hell Raelyn and Memphis had decided to leave the clubhouse for coffee.

When I had left them sitting at one of the tables in the common room, they both had their cups of coffee filled and were just chatting about nothing. Next thing I know, Leo walks in with them after finding them at the gas station.

What the fuck?

“They have ol’ ladies who don’t listen?” Jinx cracked.

Leo smiled. “They have strongheaded ones who think they know better than the men who are trying to keep them safe.”

“Well, then I guess we are just like the Devil’s Knights,” Monk drawled. “Though I hope we stop at two ol’ ladies and that’s it.”

Leo shrugged and grabbed his cup filled with coffee. The coffee that was apparently not good enough for the girls to drink this morning. “Your women are safe, and from what they babbled about, they just planned on going for a drive after getting coffee. Perhaps you need to loosen the chain you have on them a bit.”

“We’ll take that into consideration,” I muttered. It was easy enough for him to think we needed to ease up on the girls, but at the end of the day, he didn’t really care about them or us.

“Let’s get down to why you’re really here.” Monk scooted his chair closer to the table. “I was glad to hear from Marco that you were more than willing to help us.”

Leo shrugged. “As I said before, I have an MC who is like family to me, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about the Royal Bastards. If things go well, you could be included into the fold.”

One of Leo’s men behind him grunted.

Leo glanced at him. “You have a problem with that, Creed?”

The tall, brooding man with sunglasses over his eyes grunted again. “Whatever you want, sir.”

That didn’t sound to convincing to me.

Obviously whoever Creed was, he didn’t think Leo should be here today. Good thing Leo was the guy in charge.

“How is Marco doing?” Monk asked. “I tried to talk to him when I called, but he was busy.”

Leo turned back and leaned back into his chair. “I put Marco in charge for a bit. I was in Italy for a little vacation and came straight here to help. I should be back in the office in a couple of weeks. He needs to learn how to take the reins so I can do a little bit more of relaxing.”

Leo Banachi sat on a mountain of money. He could pay people to do his job and he still wouldn’t have to ever want for anything. Marco should consider himself lucky to be able to possibly takeover Copyright 2016 - 2024