Six-Gun - Winter Travers Page 0,29

matter if they want it or not?” I growled. An image of Jester flashed before my eyes. I tighten my grip on his neck and squeezed. “I’ll fucking kill you right here, right now.”

“Six,” Monk called.

The guy frantically tried to claw at my hand, and his face turned beet red.

“You don’t touch what belongs to me.” The words dripped with hatred from my mouth. “She’s mine.”

“Six-Gun!” Monk called again. “Get a grip.”

I flexed my fingers on the guys neck. I had a grip, and it was about to get deadly.

Playboy kept the other guy in a headlock and stepped to me. “Yo, think about what you’re doing, Six. I know he touched Memphis, but he’s not Jester.”

“He touched her,” I growled. “He touched her, and she didn’t have a choice.”

“And you were here to protect her,” Playboy reasoned. “I get you, brother. I got the same rage flowing through my veins right now, but you gotta let him go. He’s not Jester,” he repeated.

The harder I squeezed, the guys eyes about bugged out of his head. I released my grip, and he crumpled to the floor. Then I kicked a foot into his gut and stomped on his hand. “Don’t ever touch another man’s woman.”

The guy gasped for air and clutched his hands to his neck.

“Don’t ever touch another fucking woman, period.” This guy didn’t deserve anything except to rot in hell for thinking he had the right to do whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted.

I turned on my heel and pulled Memphis into my arms. She willingly faceplanted into my chest, and I lifted her up. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and her legs circled around my waist.

I stalked out of the bar toward my bike with her wrapped around me.

A sob escaped her lips, and my shirt was wet with tears.

“Shh, Memphis,” I whispered. “I have you. Nothing is going to hurt you.” I sat down on the bench outside the front door and cradled her in my arms. “Look at me, doll.” I tipped her head back, and her eyes connected with mine. “I have you, Memphis.”

Her eyes were clear, free from the blank stare she had earlier. “Six,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry, Memphis. I wasn’t there to keep you safe.”

She sobbed and wiped the tears from her cheek. “You were there,” she gasped. A hiccup slipped from between her lips, and she closed her eyes. “You saved me again.”

I had to save her again because I didn’t keep her safe in the first place. I should have followed her to the pool table and kept her from those sleazebags.

I had failed her.

Her eyes opened, and free tears fell. She reached up and brushed her fingers over my cheek. “Thank you.”

She shouldn’t be thanking me. She should be mad and running away from me.

Her fingers moved down my cheek and brushed over my lips. “Why are you mad at me?” she whispered.

“I’m mad at myself,” I said lowly. “I failed you.”

Her eyes connected with mine. “You saved me, Six. You were the one to make it better.”

“It never should have been bad, Memphis. I never should have let it happen.” I wanted to walk back into the bar, kill the guy, and then kick my own ass for even letting it happen.

She looked down at my lips and then her eyes were back to mine. “But you were there. You were there for me.”

“God dammit, Memphis. I’m supposed to be comforting your right now, not the other way around.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed.

She freakin’ laughed.

“I’m okay, Six. I’m okay because you were there.”

I brushed her hair from her face. “You were gone, Memphis. When I got to you, your eyes were blank and you were gone.”

“I zoned out.” She sighed and leaned her forehead against mine. “I got pretty good at doing that. If I zoned out and just cleared my mind of everything, I could make it through.”

Fucking hell.

Fucking. Hell.

“I’m gonna go fucking kill him, Memphis. I’m gonna kill him.” I moved to stand, but she wrapped her arms tight around my neck.

“Stop, Six. I’m okay,” she whispered. “You saved me. I’m okay.”

“He touched you, Memphis.”

She laughed.

Again, she fucking laughed.

“For two seconds and then, you pinned him to the wall.” She smiled. “And also kicked him in the nuts.”

I dropped my forehead to hers. “It was his stomach. I could go back in and kick him in the nuts if you want me to.” God knows it would make me feel better.

She shook her Copyright 2016 - 2024