Sisters - Michelle Frances Page 0,95

each other, passing the time of day.

Perhaps even better than the food had been the promise of a hot shower. Abby had seen a sign for rooms upstairs and she’d paid the owner for the use of one for a few hours. Ellie lay on clean sheets with washed hair, as her sister took a turn freshening up. She felt her eyes closing. The comfort of the room and her full stomach wove a calming magic that allowed her to pretend everything was OK for a moment.

It was funny how life unexpectedly spun you around until you were going in a completely different direction . . . This trip could have all been so different. She could have still been in Elba, diving off the rocks into the Tyrrhenian Sea at the bottom of Abby’s garden. She might have met a handsome Italian man. Or maybe she would have met Fredrik a different way and they’d be in the south of France together – or perhaps she could have joined him on his Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. There was something quite peaceful about the idea of following a trail to free yourself of your troubles. Ellie wondered where he was, how he was getting on. She looked across at Abby’s bag on the floor; then, driven by curiosity, she got up. She could use the phone. He’d left a message once – maybe he would again?

Ellie took Abby’s phone and dialled her own number. She had a message. The corners of her mouth lifted as she heard his voice again. He was now in Spain and wondered how she was doing. He was well into his pilgrimage and if there was any chance of it, he’d love to speak to her before he went back to Norway.

Ellie’s heart gave a flutter of excitement. Should she call him back? There wasn’t any point really. They’d exchange a few words, then that would be it. He’d go home to Norway and their paths would never cross again. Except it would be nice to hear his voice. If only for a few minutes . . . The shower was still running. Soon Abby would be out and then any opportunity would be lost.

Before she talked herself out of it, she called him. He answered after three rings.


‘Fredrik? It’s Ellie.’

‘Ellie! It’s so good to hear from you.’

He sounded relieved to hear her voice. ‘I got your message,’ said Ellie. ‘How’s the pilgrimage?’

‘I’m taking a day off to rest the legs.’


‘Thanks.’ He paused. ‘How’s the road trip?’

‘OK. Good!’ enthused Ellie.

‘Where did you get to?’

Did it matter if she spoke the truth? Ellie couldn’t see a reason not to. ‘Spain.’

‘Oh wow, you too. I thought you were avoiding me,’ said Fredrik teasingly. ‘You didn’t return my last message.’

‘Oh. It’s not that. Long story.’ The conversation hit a lull and Ellie felt the need to bridge the gap. ‘So you’re off to Norway soon?’

‘In a couple of days.’

Back to normality, thought Ellie, feeling irrationally sad that he was leaving.

‘Hey, you don’t fancy hooking up before I go, do you?’

Her stomach flipped. But of course she couldn’t. It was impossible.

‘Spain’s a big place,’ she said, as an excuse.

‘Depends,’ said Fredrik. ‘Where exactly are you?’

‘North-west,’ said Ellie.

‘Me too,’ said Fredrik. ‘Whereabouts?’

She didn’t want to say. ‘Oh, I don’t know. A small village somewhere.’

She could almost hear Fredrik’s mind turning over and felt bad about what would seem like a brush-off. She liked him, didn’t want him to think she wasn’t keen.

‘You are avoiding me,’ he said with a smile.

‘Honestly, it’s not that.’

There was an awkward silence.

‘So, have you seen much on your travels?’ asked Fredrik.

‘Some beautiful scenery,’ said Ellie, relieved to change topic. ‘The Camargue was amazing. What was your highlight?’

‘Fixing my fifth puncture in a day.’

Ellie laughed.

‘I’ve run out of patches. I’m at a hostel, waiting for one of the guys here to get back from the nearest village – he offered to get some more for me.’ He paused. ‘I’m kind of at a loose end.’

‘It’s difficult . . .’ said Ellie. ‘You’ll be miles away from me anyway.’

‘We don’t know unless we look at the map.’

Ellie smiled, bit her lip. ‘OK, I’m in a village called Baleira.’

‘Baleira, Baleira,’ repeated Fredrik. ‘I’m just looking for it.’ He suddenly laughed out loud. ‘Are you serious? That’s so close to where I am! Come on, just for a short while?’

‘Honestly, I can’t. We’re kind of on the move.’

‘I can get in a taxi. Be with you in under an Copyright 2016 - 2024