Sisters - Michelle Frances Page 0,50

in has come up on automatic number plate recognition,’ said Baroni.

‘Where?’ asked Matteo.

‘Crossing the border into France.’

Still groggy with sleep, Matteo rubbed his forehead. Stared at Baroni with incredulity. ‘Seriously? And this is the first time it’s pinged on the system?’

Baroni was unfazed. ‘They’ve obviously been taking the minor roads, keeping away from the town centres.’

‘So what now? Have the French police taken charge of this?’

‘The investigation is still with the Carabinieri,’ said Baroni. ‘It’s an inseguimento in atto. Pursuit in progress,’ she translated for Susanna. She looked at them both. ‘Have either of you heard from them?’

‘Thank God you’re here. I was about to call the police station,’ said Susanna. ‘I’ve just got off the phone to Ellie.’

‘You did?’ asked Matteo, stunned. ‘Why didn’t you wake me?’

‘Go on,’ said Baroni, ignoring Matteo.

‘We couldn’t talk long. But she’s all right; at least, she said she’s not hurt. She’s with Abby and she seemed scared. I told her about Abby’s history, about how she lied. Look, the number she called me from is on my call history.’ Susanna reached for her phone.

‘What about Abby?’ asked Matteo. ‘Is Abby OK?’

‘I have no idea,’ said Susanna with distaste. ‘She was shopping.’

Baroni handed Susanna’s phone to Santini. ‘We’ll get this number checked. Did Ellie say where they were going?’

‘No . . . She was in a hurry to hang up. She said that Abby was coming, seemed very anxious about it.’ Susanna paused. ‘Ellie thought I was dead. That’s why they ran. Abby told her I was dead and persuaded her to go on the run.’ She looked up at Baroni. ‘Ellie said she’d call me again. As soon as she could.’

‘That’s good,’ said Baroni. ‘Does she trust you?’

Susanna looked surprised. ‘Yes. At least I think so. Despite the fact her sister’s been trying to turn her against me.’

Baroni nodded. ‘And I think that she will trust the police, yes? Then we ask her to persuade Abby to drive to a certain place. Somewhere we can meet them.’ Baroni held out her card. ‘My direct line. You need to call me as soon as she rings you.’ She turned to Matteo. ‘Have you heard from your wife?’

He straightened, indignant. ‘No. Or I would have said.’

Santini stepped forward, pushed his chest out. ‘The detective is just doing her job. You just answer the questions.’

Matteo looked at him all puffed up with self-importance. High on his own authority. He laughed.

‘Is something funny?’ snapped Santini, stepping even closer to Matteo.

‘Yeah,’ said Matteo.

Santini shoved Matteo in the chest. ‘You fuc—’

‘Stop!’ yelled Baroni, pulling her partner off. She spoke calmly. ‘If Abby calls, I am asking you not to tell her that her mother is alive. If Abby is dangerous, as Susanna suggests, it could make her act irrationally.’ She pointed at the card in Susanna’s hand. ‘If either of them ring, call me. Do not wait.’

They turned to go and Matteo watched as Susanna let them out of his house. He didn’t wait for her to come back into the room; instead, he returned to the terrace. He stood with the sun burning down on him, unable to understand how his life had been turned upside down in such a short space of time. His wife was missing. On the run with his sister-in-law. And Abby had his gun. He breathed deeply a moment, searched his soul. Would Abby use it? Was Ellie in danger? He’d have unequivocally said no only twenty-four hours ago, would have laughed the suggestion off, incredulous. But now he didn’t know what to think.

He heard Susanna come to the patio doors behind him and he turned around. She stood in the safety of the room and he was aware she was trapped there – she wouldn’t come out to him in the heat, not with her sunburn. This gave him a sense of relief.

‘I’m just going for a lie-down,’ said Susanna, ‘but I have my phone with me.’

He nodded and watched as Susanna turned away. Why hadn’t she woken him after Ellie had called? He could have laid his hands on Baroni’s number immediately; Susanna would have known that.

Matteo waited a while, long enough for Susanna to get upstairs and settle, close her eyes. Then he quietly re-entered the house. He looked around the living room, paid attention to things he’d not really noticed before, such as Abby’s books on the shelf. He ran his finger across the spines, tried to see if he could see any personal papers tucked in between. He Copyright 2016 - 2024