Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,69

composes before anything raw can shine through. “It would be special because it’s him.” I reach over and grip Sloan’s hand. “But that’s not our path. It’s yours, so walk down it with your head up. You’re a catch, Sloan.”

He points to my expression. “What’s that going on? Your face did the ‘braving through’ thing you do when you’re upset but don’t want to show it.”

“I’m not upset.” It’s a lie that I desperately want to be true. “The bill to grant shifters the legal right to be married was voted down by the council. The three of us talked about it, and I’m not going to marry Paxton until I can also marry Gray. It’s not a big deal.”

Sloan casts me a look of disbelief. “Whatever you need to tell yourself. You three are doing alright? That’s a devastating blow to Gray, for sure.” Sloan shakes his head. “All this progress, and he’s still not a proper person with normal rights in the eyes of the courts.”

I snuggle into Sloan’s side, resting my head to his shoulder. “It just means our work isn’t finished. There’s still a long road ahead. Best not get frustrated this early on. What’s that phrase about it being a marathon and not a sprint?”

“I think that’s the whole phrase.” Sloan kisses my temple and then ruffles my two-inch long chocolate curls. “I’m sorry you have to wait for the world to wise up. For what it’s worth, you’re putting a crown on hold for your principles. I think that’s bloody incredible.”

Everly Ann nips at the pant leg of his suit, sniffing his polished shoe and sneezing with disdain.

“Is the car ready to take us to the ribbon cutting?”

“Us, as in the four of us, yes. Your mutt stays here.”

I pick up Everly Ann so she can lick Sloan’s face. I can’t help it; I love irritating him. “But she really wants to come!”

“I hope she pees on your suit. Or is it a dress? What are you wearing?”

Everly Ann whines for the floor. I set her back down so she can investigate the carpeting.

I stand, striking a pose, though it’s less impressive without my stilettos on. “It’s a suit—charcoal, not black. Gotta stand out in the sea of guards. And the jacket has this gorgeous train that acts like a cape, but sort of looks like half a dress. I love it so much. And see the angled cut of the pants?”

Sloan draws a diagonal line in the air to match. “Your left leg starts at the normal trouser length, and then cuts up at an angle so the right leg hem peaks at your calf.” He gives me a demure applause. “The designers really are fighting over you these days.”

“To be fair, the ribbon cutting is a big deal. I like to think designers aren’t sending me new stuff just for fun, but because this is a monumental event.” My mouth pulls to the side as I point to my brooch. “The sun keeps going crooked.”

Sloan rolls his eyes. “It’s a sun. There’s no top or bottom. It’s a circle.”

I bristle that he’s not taking my plight seriously. “I can tell it’s gone wonky.”

He takes out his phone and shows me the time. “Wonky or not, I was sent up here to fetch you. Shoes on, and we’re out.”

At mention of her favorite game, Everly Ann’s ears prick up.

Gray and Paxton trot into my dressing room together. Gray is dressed in the suit I had tailored to fit him perfectly. I love the navy on his russet skin. And the lavender shirt gives just enough color to his cheeks.

Paxton is impressive in his light gray suit. It’s paired with a lavender shirt that’s a shade darker than Gray’s. I don’t know why it’s important for our color scheme to complement each other every time, but it matters to me. It sends the subliminal signal to the world that the three of us are a team, and everything in the palace is running smoothly.

Or maybe I’m making up for lost time, relishing the freedom of being able to play dress-up with two such delicious models.

Gray runs his hands through his shorter hair. It’s been two months, and he’s still not used to the cut that matches Paxton’s. My hair is finally longer than his, though not by much. “You about ready, Arly-girl?”

I love that the three of us never stop greeting each other with a kiss. “Just getting my shoes.”

Gray moves to the giant Copyright 2016 - 2024