Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,67

She prefers to address people on her own, and not with a man at her side. It is a wise preference which I respect too much to take from her, though no part of me wishes to separate from her side.

I move several paces to the left, making sure I’m not in any camera shots that are snapping wildly to get a good pose of the grieving beauty.

My eyes catch on Cassia and Charlotte, who are front and center, because that’s where they belong.

Cassia nods firmly, bolstering me with her belief that I can get the job done.

Charlotte grants me a sweet smile, because even if I massively fail at everything, she will still be my loving sister.

Sloan stands equidistant on Arlanna’s right, scanning the front few rows of spectators for signs of anything that might harm his charge.

His daughter.

Anyone who knows Arlanna understands that her father wasn’t the one who raised her. Maybe Conan loved her, but he raised her up in the same way a farmer raises a cow for slaughter. She was his token, his advantage to play, and finally, that game is over.

Yesterday, Sloan filed a petition to legally adopt Arlanna. Finally, the system will right the things that nature guessed wrong.

Arlanna peels the black netting up so her face is easier for everyone to see. “It’s surprising for me to see my father in the same room as the king.”

No one expects her to say anything amusing, so the chuckles are genuine as they ripple out in gentle waves over the crowd.

“It’s a great sadness that they spent their whole lives bickering over power—which of them had more and who needed it most. They both turned away from their children so they could race after something they could never grasp. They were chasing more. Always more. The two most powerful men in the world ended up dead because the bounty they were given was never enough.”

Arlanna pauses, looking down as she grips the podium. “I am much like them in that way. Only I don’t want more power. I want more neighbors looking out for each other. If I had a thousand people doing that, I would want five thousand. If I got what I wanted again, I would want more. I will not be satisfied until the kingdom consists of nothing but people who look for the best in others.” Her fist drums on her sternum. “I won’t feel settled in my soul until the gossip I hear on the streets is people whispering compliments instead of looking for ways to tear each other down.”

I love this woman. I don’t think I can remember a time when I didn’t.

Arlanna’s chin is raised, and even though she shouldn’t have the tenacity to get out of bed after all she’s been through, she is fierce in her determination that the world will become a better place.

“I am committed to picking up the pieces my father shattered all over our streets. Your future king and I have been hard at work, drawing up plans for the rehabilitation of people who have been through too much.”

Her black eyeliner is smoky, making the compassion in her eyes that much more visible across the grounds. “You are tired. I can see it in all of you. There are good things that you want in our world but you think you’ll have to fight alone. I’m here today to tell you that King Paxton and I are fighting alongside you. We are diverting funds that were previously used to run Prigham’s, and are using them to fund trade school or college for anyone affected by Prigham’s. Anyone who was affected by my father’s carelessness, or King Regis’ harsh laws, has a chance at a new life.” She pauses, and the corner of her mouth tugs upward. “Since that bill affected the entirety of the people, I think that offer should be extended to every citizen, not just survivors of prison. Let’s take a step forward together.”

Applause greets her fervor, but I can tell she’s not finished. She’s got too much passion in her to take her chance at the microphone lightly. “Today, I want each and every one of you to hold hands right now.” She pauses briefly for the shuffling, and I feel Gray’s fingers sift through mine. “You are not responsible for fixing the world, but today I commission you with holding tight to the two people whom you are clinging to right now. I charge you to check Copyright 2016 - 2024