Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,44

Not the business ‘the family,’ just the immediate Valentine family, plus me. Arly wanted to go ice fishing one time when she was much younger. Maybe eight. I wouldn’t let her because the ice was too thin to chance walking on. So she wrote ‘Sloan is a buttface’ on the inside of her closet. We have to go now. If things have escalated to the point where Conan’s already locking her away, it’s only going to get worse from there. Quick, now. I’ll drive.”

“Are you insane?” Jen shrieks. “You have one functioning hand! You’re lucky to be going at all. I’ll drive, you mule. Honestly. And then I’m taking you to the hospital.”

Sloan bolts out the front door, clearly not caring much if we join him or not.

When Cassia rises, I ask her for the favor I know she won’t like. “Can you stay behind and run the commune? If we all go, there’s no one here to keep an eye on things. We all know that if Arlanna’s not at the camp, you’re the next best thing.”

Charlotte casts her girlfriend a bolstering look, lifting her chin. “I’ll stay with you.”

It’s clear Cassia wants to argue, but she bites her tongue until something less acidic comes to her. “Okay. Leave us with a phone, so we can get ahold of you if Arly’s location changes suddenly.”

Charlotte slides her hand in her girlfriend’s grip. “I’ll keep an eye on Arly’s whereabouts as best I can.”

Jen hands Charlotte her own phone to use. “Take this. Call Sloan if you need to contact us.”

I race out the front door before Sloan loses his patience and leaves without us. I don’t know how he has the gusto to keep going, but I’m not letting him drive off without me. He’s sweating and pale, but even with a limp, he’s determined to get the job done.

Gray and I barrel down the steps of the front porch, throwing ourselves into the backseat of Jen’s car just before she throws it into gear and rolls it down the drive.

Jen works the address from Sloan half a minute before he passes out in the passenger’s seat, and then she stops the car. “Help me get him into the house, and you can take my car to find Arly, okay boys?”

“Deal.” Gray takes the initiative and lifts Sloan out of the front seat like he’s a sleepy toddler, while I run to grab the door. At this point, I would just get in the way if I tried to help Gray move Sloan. Gray is massive, and doesn’t even look winded with the effort.

Cassia scampers to get the bedroom door. Gray lays Sloan down in the man’s bed without waking him for even the smallest window of a moment.

Jen heaves her relief, but keeps her voice at a whisper. “Go. Take my phone and drive as fast as you can. We’ll use Sloan’s. Charlotte will call you if anything changes with Arly’s location. And take this.” Jen reaches into Sloan’s jacket and pulls out his gun.

“Keep it here.” Gray takes the keys and the phone, but not the gun. “We’ll be safe. You make sure you can hold down the fort with that, okay?”

We run back to the car without a word, knowing the smallest noise could wake Sloan, who is in desperate need of medical attention.

Gray and I exchange looks of trepidation before he turns the key and backs down the path.

We both know that whatever we’re about to walk into, it’s sure to be more than we can handle.

I can only hope we’re not too late.


House of Ruin


The closer we get to the address Sloan gave us, the more I have to work to talk Gray down. “Easy, brother. You’re going to break the steering wheel, choking it like that. In my vision, Arlanna was scared, not harmed.”

“It’s not that.” Gray grimaces. “Well, it’s not just that. She’s calling for Rafe. I couldn’t feel it before, but now that we’re getting closer, I can hear her. Or, well, my wolf can hear her. Over and over, she’s screaming for Rafe. I can’t drive much longer. I can barely concentrate.” His chest is leaping in and out. “Can you drive?” He’s sweating as he turns onto the shoulder of the road, throwing the car into park.

“Of course,” I lie. “I have a driver’s license.” It expired ages ago, but it exists. I’m sure that just because the last time I was behind the wheel was the day I Copyright 2016 - 2024