Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,27

where just anyone could walk in. I got a little carried away, is all.”

“Only a little?” Cass tsks me. “You’re losing your touch, Princess.”

When Gray trots in with three plates of food, his cheery expression falls when his eyes land on me. “You were supposed to have breakfast in bed. How did I mess that up?”

I flit over to him, kissing his cheek and arresting my plate from his grip. “You brought me breakfast. Thank you.”

He growls in my direction. “Back to bed with you.”

Cass giggles. “And that’s our cue to exit.”

Charlotte leans up on her toes, but Gray still has to bend his knees for her lips to land on his cheek. “Glad you’re home, Gray. I missed you.”

He smiles, and I can tell the compliment hits him in all the right spots. “I guess I am home.”

I set my plate on the table and sit down. “I’m too clumsy to eat in a bed without spilling something. Everything okay out at the chow tent?”

Gray shrugs. “Looked normal to me. No one fighting. No one being timed during their meal. Everyone’s actually pretty happy out there.”

The three of us sit together, and for the life of me, the whole thing shocks me with how normal it all is.

I shovel in the eggs quickly, chewing only as much as absolutely necessary.

It’s when I’m halfway through my breakfast that I realize the guys have barely eaten a bite. They’ve stopped all motion so they can stare at me with looks of pity.


Paxton swallows hard. “Nothing, love.”

Gray isn’t as tight-lipped. “You’re eating like you’re still at Prigham’s. You’re guarding your food like you’re afraid it’s going to be snatched away. Breathe, Arly-girl.”

I’m embarrassed as I take in the protective stance, with one arm around my plate to block anyone from stealing my food from me.

Paxton sits with his perfect posture while Gray holds himself like a normal person.

I feel like a wild animal who’s never been taught proper table manners.

Paxton’s gentle smile reminds me I’m in a safe place. Gray’s deliberate slowness enforces that there’s no rush in here. This is our home, and no one’s going to take my food from me.

One day, I’ll remember to sit up straight while I eat, but the habit of trying to protect my food so it doesn’t get snatched away isn’t something that fades quickly. Still, it’s this life I want, and not that one.

Paxton sips his water, switching subjects to take the focus off of me, because he’s nothing if not the consummate gentleman. “Gray, two of the busses could use some work. Is that something you might be able to help with today? I don’t want to spend the money to have them serviced.”

I stop chewing, unsure if Gray is going to stick around today, or if he’ll be gone again.

Gray tears into his bacon. “I can give them a look. What else do you need help with?”

My shoulders relax that Gray seems to be showing a little interest in taking part in the world around him, and his focus isn’t aimed at leaving. “I’ve got a meeting later today. If all goes well, it’ll mean big things for everyone. Loads more support, which we could use. While I’m gone, could you help Barry?” Then it occurs to me he might not even know who Barry is. “Barry owns a construction company. After he finishes his jobs for the day, he brings some of his equipment over and helps us pour foundations for the mobile homes that are coming in. We don’t have many hours to work, so we need all hands on deck for that. The second the sun sets, it’s a lot harder to get things done.”

Gray shakes his head. “No one wants me there. Give me a job to do on my own. The busses are fine.”

I purse my lips and decide to let that one go. “Whatever you like.”

Paxton pokes at his scrambled eggs. “I know nothing about cars, and you promised me you’d teach me how to fix them when we got out of prison.”

Gray’s elbows rest on the table. “Working on busses is boring. There’s nothing sexy about a bus. You don’t want to do that.”

Paxton frowns. “I just said I do. If you think I’m useless and can’t learn something like that, then just say so.”

Gray’s eyebrows raise at Paxton’s mild-mannered outburst. “It’s nothing like that. Fine, fine. I’ll show you all you need to know. But when it’s exactly as boring as I told Copyright 2016 - 2024