Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,25

kisses me once—a connection we both desperately need. Then he looks around the room with a frown. “Where’s my dog?”

“My dog,” I correct him.

“We’ll see about that.” Gray lets loose a short whistle, and Everly Ann trots in. Gray scoops her up and sets her on the bed on his other side. “That’s better. Now I’ve got my girls.”

His lips find mine to bless me with a solitary kiss before he rolls me onto my side away from him, spooning me so he can trill his fingers up and down my bare arm.

The message that passes unspoken between us is clear: I will keep us safe, and he will keep me calm.

I like this, and when Paxton comes back into the room with dinner for both Gray and me, I realize wholeheartedly that I deeply and truly love us.

Safety and Scandal


Morning finds me finally well-rested. I’m usually up with the dawn, but sandwiched between the men I love, I’m finally able to sleep in a whole hour past the sunrise.

Paxton kisses my lips lightly. “It’s so peaceful, watching you rest.”

His whisper isn’t meant to wake Gray, but it does anyway. My shifter stretches against me, letting me appreciate the full breadth of his hard body. “What do we have this morning?”

I roll onto my back, so I can easily look at both of them. “You’re sticking around today?”

Gray kisses me. “Today. Every day. I didn’t know the fae relationship rules before. But if this is going to be my pack, then I’m going to help fortify it. Make it safe for you.”

I’m fairly certain my smile is the brightest its been in weeks. Emotion jerks moisture to my eyes and catches in my throat. “Really? You’re putting down roots here?”

His hand finds my waist under the covers and gives my naked stomach a little squeeze. “Right here. Only here. Exactly here.” He kisses me again. “You stay in bed. Let me get some breakfast for us.”


“Don’t act like I’m doing something nice for you. It’s clear my motives are completely selfish, right? Keeping you in bed puts you exactly where I want you.” Gray gives us a villainous laugh, which is just about the best sound in the world. Then he exits, leaving Paxton beside me in the bed.

Both of us are mildly surprised that Gray has taken to life here easily, now that the expectations have been laid out. Though, as he’s not lived a full day here yet, we’re not celebrating prematurely.

“Mind if I get some fresh air in here?” Paxton rolls out of bed and throws open the curtains. He pops open the window, letting the sting of the chilly morning air into the room. This whole place needs a freshening, starting with the air.

I make myself at home in our bed, scooting down in the lavender sheets that match the painted walls of our bedroom. I remember being meticulous about the curtains, insisting on cream, gauzy material that Sloan ruled was useless in keeping out light, which was the main function of curtains. As it turns out, he was right, but as I enjoy sleeping with a bit of light in my room, that didn’t deter me from selecting the curtains I wanted.

Sloan still narrows his eyes at them every time he sees them, which gives me great amounts of pleasure. We compromised on the curtains for the rest of the house. I get to have my bedroom my way.

I stand and stretch my arms over my head, smiling up at the ceiling because finally, I’ve got the men I adore with me. The day feels bursting with possibilities. The to-do list I feared now seems like a fun race, rather than a drudgery.

“I’m going downstairs to get some water. You want?”

He slides a t-shirt over his head. “I want.” Paxton’s fingers lace through mine. We walk together down the steps.

I know I’m officially horrid at relaxing. Waiting for breakfast in bed was too difficult for me to master. Apparently, we’re all in the middle of a learning curve.

I set down two glasses on the counter and fill them with cold water from my fist, greeting Everly Ann with a kiss. “I still love using my magic. Feels like a scandal.”

Paxton stands behind me, tracing the curve of my bare hip while I take a drink. “Dressed in this, everything about you is a scandal.” Then he greets my dog, as if she’s an esteemed guest. “Good morning, Miss Everly Ann. I trust you slept well?”

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