Sins He Taught Me - Nicole Fox Page 0,41

shutting the door behind me and locking it. I take a seat on the bed and try to calm my nerves down. My hands are shaking, and I have to concentrate on willing them to stop.

When I finally calm down enough to open the laptop, I press the power button, excitement replacing terror. I’m going to figure out a way to stop Matvei and his mob for good.

A moment passes, and the screen is still black. I press the button again, to no avail.

Slightly confused, I flip over the back to see if there’s another button or something. I continue to press random things on the computer, but nothing happens. Frustrated, I resort to mashing the power button again and again, trying not to panic.

“Shit,” I whisper, closing my eyes. “Shit!”

I want to throw the computer at the wall, but I can’t.

I shouldn’t have involved Nikolas. I knew that it wasn’t right, and now I have to deal with the consequences. He’s just a boy. I pray that Matvei doesn’t take his anger out on him.

I head back to the office and try the door without any luck. I knew that it wouldn’t twist, but I’d hoped a miracle would happen. Instead, I’m completely screwed.

I place the laptop on the ground right outside the door and take a step back. He’s definitely going to know that someone took the laptop from his office, and I can already predict the huge explosion of anger that’s going to come from this.

I don’t think he’ll truly hurt Nikolas—at least I hope not.

But me and Dad?

We’re fair game.



I head up to my office after I get back from meeting with a few of my contacts. Before I even make it all the way to the door, I notice the laptop sitting there on the carpet. Almost immediately, my mind goes to Nikolas. He must’ve taken it with him but wasn’t able to get the door open to return it.

I carry it back to my desk and return it to its proper place, pausing. Nikolas stealing the computer doesn’t make much sense, though. He knows that there aren’t any games to play on it. I’ve told him plenty of times. His tablet is for games. My laptop is for work.

He wouldn’t have grabbed it out of the room unless he had a reason, but nothing dawns on me. Slightly annoyed, I put my keys on the desk and head to his room. He sits on the floor with an action figure in each hand, slamming them together to make them fight.

“Niko,” I say, taking a seat on the bed.

He fidgets without even bothering to look at me. Figures.

“I have a question to ask you, and I don’t want you to lie to me.”

“Okay …”

“Did you take my laptop out of my office?”

There’s a pause. He slaps his toys together over and over again. “No.”

“Niko. Tell me the truth.”

He looks up at me guiltily. He’s terrible at keeping a straight face, which makes this easier for me. “I’m sorry,” he says. His eyes are starting to fill with tears. It takes all my effort not to get furious with him.

He’s just a child, I remind myself.

“Why did you touch my computer? I’ve told you multiple times that it’s off-limits. You know not to touch my things.”

“I know, but …” He covers his mouth with one hand and turns around, trying to get back to his action figures.

I kneel next to him. “But what? Who told you to get the computer? Was it Victoria?”

I don’t want it to be true, but Nikolas nods and looks up at me ashamedly again. “She said that it was a game…”

I don’t know how to react. Part of me wants to charge down the hall and grab Victoria so she can explain what the hell she was trying to do with my computer. The other part wants to take this slowly.

I take a deep breath and feel the calmness settle over me. I’m back in control of myself. I rest my palm gently on his shoulder.

“Okay, well I’ve got a new game for us, Niko.”

By the time I’m finished explaining the secret I want him to keep, Victoria appears in the doorway looking for Nikolas. She meets my eye, then turns her gaze away, like she’s too ashamed to even look at me.

“It’s bedtime, Nikolas,” she says, forcing a smile. “Time to get you into your pajamas, buddy.”

While Nikolas finishes his game, I watch Victoria lean from side to side, impatient Copyright 2016 - 2024