The Single Life with Zola Patterson - Danielle Allen Page 0,45

night of celebrating. The upbeat music pumped through the air and filled the room. There were tons of people wearing all-black already there. And I noticed a cashier set up for people to purchase my book.

Everything came together even better than I’d hoped.

“The woman of the hour!” Miranda Hall, my agent, cheered as she rushed over to me with a smile planted on her face. “Where have you been?”

“I wanted to make an entrance,” I answered, looking around with a big smile on my face.

“Yes, but I wanted to introduce you to someone.” Lowering her voice, she specified, “Luna Daniels.”

My eyebrows flew up. “From Re-Mix Magazine?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “She couldn’t stay, but she gave me her card. She wants to talk to you next week when you have time.”

“Oh wow!”

“Yes, now go have fun.”

I gave her a brief hug and then looked for my family in the VIP area. There were so many people there. I knew my mom, aunt, and uncle were around somewhere. I walked around until I found them.

“You should have a date to something like this,” my aunt pointed out as soon as she saw me.

“My column is called The Single Life. My website is called The Single Life. So it would be safe to assume I’m fine living the single life,” I replied to her as she hugged me.

“I’m just wondering when you’re going to settle down and make your mom a grandma.”

“When I meet the man I want to settle down with, I will settle down. Until then, I will remain unsettled. I’d rather date around and be single than to be tethered to the wrong man for the rest of my life.”

“But you’ll be thirty-three soon,” she argued with a straight face. “When are you going to settle down? A girl your age should be settled down with one man, planning for children. Not doing whatever you’re doing.”

I gave her a look. “That’s the problem right there. Too many people think you have to get married by a certain age, so they rush into it and then either hate their spouse or wind up divorced. I’d rather enjoy my life and the company of whomever I’ve decided to share my time.”

She looked around. “I’ve seen some handsome young men here tonight. You could’ve at least brought a date tonight.”

“You don’t have a date,” my mom retorted with pursed lips.

I grinned. My mom always had my back.

“I know being single is your thing,” my aunt continued, rolling her eyes. “So whatever, be single, I guess.”

“Glad you could be here to celebrate,” I replied flatly.

“Don’t mind her,” my uncle commented with a shake of his head. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. “She was telling me I needed to settle on the drive here. She is mad at singleness because she got married at eighteen and lowkey hates her husband.”

“I can tell,” I replied.

We both laughed.

“My darling daughter,” my mom greeted me as I pulled her in for a long hug. “Congratulations!”

“Thanks, Mom. Thanks for coming.”

“Anything for you, Zo.”

While my family reunion was taking place, my friends walked up. It truly felt like a celebration and I was on top of the world.

The DJ started playing songs from when we were in college and we went crazy. Leaving my clutch with my mom, I followed my friends and completely abandoned the VIP area. I shimmied my way into the crowd.

Feeling the music run through me, I lifted my arms in the air and swayed my hips. It wasn’t long before I felt the heat of someone taller than me pressing up against me from behind. Glancing over my shoulder, I caught the eye of the man dancing up on me.

With dark eyes that held a mischievous sparkle to them, he had decent rhythm as he danced behind me. I turned my body to face him and I started dancing with him.

Okay, he’s cute, I thought as I checked him out. Stylish and very, very cute.

He was taller than me with a dark complexion, shiny dark beard, and a beautiful smile. There was something endearing about him and I wasn’t sure what it was.

He moved closer so that our bodies were flush against one another. Backing up, I created a bit of space between us as I continued to dance.

Leaning down so his mouth was positioned next to my ear, he introduced himself. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself,” I returned.

“Ms. Zola Patterson in the flesh.”

I quirked an eyebrow. “And you are?”

His lips curled into a smile. “Dwayne Copyright 2016 - 2024