Singe (Men of Inked Heatwave #8) - Chelle Bliss Page 0,6

been cagey as hell since I’d rolled up to her this time, until now, when she decided to verbally shit her entire thought process for the last so many minutes.

“I’ll change it.”

She crosses her arms, her eyes trained on me. “The rim is bent.”

“You bent the rim?” I ask.

She rolls her eyes. “I just said that.”

“You don’t drive on a flat, babe.”

“Babe,” she throws back and starts to pace in front of her Mustang. “I know, but I didn’t know it was that bad. And based on where we’re standing, I didn’t have anywhere to add air in the tire either. I was heading to the gas station when it decided to take a complete shit. I kept driving, and poof—” she throws her arms wildly in the air “—fucked-up rim.”

I don’t know why, but I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my lips. This girl is so weird. She’s quiet and shy one minute and totally off the rails the next. She’s shy, yet not. Strong, but weak. She’s a conundrum wrapped in a pretty package with big eyes, a stunning face, and a smokin’ hot body.

“Did you call a tow?” I ask after she pauses long enough to take a breath.

Arlo stops moving and faces me, her lips flat. “Of course I did, but they said it’ll be a few hours.”

“Cancel them,” I tell her, reaching into my pocket to grab my phone.


“Cancel. Them.”

She gapes at me as I lift the phone to my ear, making the call that I know will get us a fix quicker than her current company.

“Yo.” I hear from the other end.


“What’s up, Mello?”

I stare at Arlo as she continues to watch me, lips parted, eyes carefully studying my every move. “Can you send someone with a tow out to County Line near the Vet about two miles west of the tollway?”

“Sure thing. Give him thirty to get there. You okay?”

“I’m great. My friend Arlo busted a tire and bent the rim. Think you can squeeze her in tomorrow?”

“One of the guys can do it. It’ll be done by noon.”

“Thanks, man.”

“What’s Mello want, baby?” Tamara asks Mammoth on the other end of the line.

“His friend’s car has a flat,” he tells her.

“Oh,” she says in a dejected voice.

“What’s with the voice?” he asks.

“I was hoping for something a little more…fun.”

“Sorry that a guy with a busted tire isn’t enough fun for you,” Mammoth replies.

“Not a guy,” I throw out there, my eyes still on Arlo, studying the lines of her face.

“Oh,” comes from Mammoth.

“Oh, what?” Tamara asks.

“Not a man, princess. A chick.”

“Mello and all his pussy. You’re not doing a free job for one of his random bitches,” Tamara says in the background.

“Not one of mine,” I say softly, and Arlo’s eyebrows rise. I shake my head. “She just needs some help.”

“Not one of his,” Mammoth repeats.

“Still not doing it for free,” Tamara mutters. “His wife? Yeah. Random chick? No. Piece of ass he’s tappin’? No. Fiancée? Sure thing. Get me?”

“Got you, princess,” Mammoth whispers.

“He got me?” she asks him.

“I got her,” I grumble.

“Got to go, man. Tow will be there soon, and I have a spicy chick to deal with.”

“I’m not spicy,” she argues.

“Princess, you’re not bland,” he says with a hint of laughter.

“I’ll catch you two later,” I say, disconnecting the call before I hear shit I don’t want to hear.

“Who’s Mammoth?” Arlo asks me, now leaning her ass against the hood of her car.

“My cousin’s husband. He owns a body shop. Tow will be here in thirty, and your car will be fixed by noon.”

“Noon as in noon tomorrow?” she whispers and lifts her hand to her mouth, biting on her thumbnail.

“Yeah, babe. It’s almost dark, so the closest noon is noon tomorrow.”

“Shit,” she mutters, chewing a little more on that poor nail.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she tells me as she pulls up her legs, going back into the same position I saw her in as I blew past her on my bike. “It’s fine.”

“What’s wrong, Arlo?”

She waves her one hand, still chewing on her other.

I take a step forward, closing the space between us. There’s no logical reason why I’m putting in so much effort with a woman who doesn’t want the attention, but I can’t stop myself.

I’ve become used to difficult women. I’ve been surrounded by them since birth.

“Babe. Talk to me.”

She doesn’t look up or speak, just keeps chewing with her eyes on my boots.

Lifting my hand, I place my fingers under her chin and force her head Copyright 2016 - 2024