Singe (Men of Inked Heatwave #8) - Chelle Bliss Page 0,52

so cute together. You all are. I’m so happy Carmello took pity on me and invited me over today,” she says, smiling at me, making my chest ache in a funny way.

“You’re welcome back anytime, Arlo,” Lily tells her. “It’s not a one-time deal. Once you’re in, you’re in. Even after Carmello, you’re welcome for dinner.”

“After me?” I growl. “Who says there’s an after me?”

Every single person turns their eyes toward me, looking at me like I’ve gone off the deep end.

“Well, a month sneaks up on you quick,” Lily adds, fishing for details, probably knowing them all already.

“Don’t play games,” I tell Lily. “You know, don’t you?”

“Know what?” Gigi asks her, elbowing Lily in the ribs.

“Mello made it official with Arlo last night after he left the bar.”

Gigi’s mouth falls open, and there’s an audible gasp from the others at the table.

“The player is off the market?” Tamara asks me. “I mean, I assumed, but I didn’t know you made it official, official.”

Arlo squeezes my fingers this time. “We’re exclusive, but we’re going to take things slow,” she tells them.

“Remember what I told you,” Mammoth says, pointing a finger at me.

I give him the middle finger.

“Then you have to come over tonight to celebrate,” Lily says to Arlo, setting it up so there is no way Arlo can turn her down.

I know it and so does Arlo, but being sweet, she doesn’t call Lily out on her bullshit. “We’ll be there,” she answers for the two of us, something no one has ever done before.

And I’m oddly okay with it. Suddenly, I’m no longer a me, but a we.


“Do you want to come in?” Arlo asks when I walk her to her front door, always trying to be a gentleman with her.

I’d never been into chivalry. I was taught by my parents to have manners, but ninety-nine percent of the chicks I’d been with didn’t give two fucks about any of that as long as they got off.

But that isn’t Arlo. She wants to be courted, and chivalry is important to her—that much I gathered by listening to her speak to my cousins tonight while we watched the stars.

I rub the back of my neck, trying to find a reason to say no, but I got nothing. “I really shouldn’t,” I lie, not wanting the evening to end.

Arlo peers down at her feet and frowns so quick, I almost miss it. “Are you sure?”


I know I shouldn’t go in. We’ve already spent more time together in the last few days than I’ve spent with any other woman in my life besides those I am related to. Arlo is becoming an addiction I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to break.

“You can stay over,” she offers.

“You want me to stay over?” I repeat, making sure my mind didn’t process something other than what she said.

Oh yeah. Someone’s getting some action, and that someone is me. I may not slide into home base, but staying over leads to something, and I’m down with whatever small piece of her she is willing to give.

She looks up, and those green eyes get me every time. “Well, yeah… I mean, you don’t have to, but—”

I lean forward, my gaze dipping to her mouth. “No. I want to. I want to very much, sugar.”

“Then come in,” she says, her tongue peeking out as she speaks. “It’s been a great day, and I’m not sure I’m ready for it to be over.”

My brain should answer, but my dick does instead. “I’ll stay,” I tell her, reaching out and grabbing her hip to guide her inside. “But I’m leaving early because I have to work.”

“I have to work tomorrow too, remember?”

I close the door behind me, kicking off my boots like I’ve done it a hundred times before. “No getting pissy with me tomorrow when I’m out of here before daylight. ’Kay?”

The last thing I need is a repeat of her attitude because I wasn’t there when she woke up.

She blinks, gawking at me as we stand in the foyer. “Why so early?”

I smirk, brushing aside a few strands of hair that have fallen over her eyes. “I have to hit the gym, go home and shower, and then head to Inked. I didn’t get this body by lying in bed all day.”

She swallows, her eyes still trained on mine. “You’re dedicated.”

“I’m very dedicated when something is important to me.”

She places a hand on my chest, a small smile on her lips. “Your dedication is paying off.”

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