Sinful Ever After - Vivian Wood Page 0,235

the movies with my sister.”

Luna looks down at the chess board before her, moving a piece. “So you don’t hit the clubs in Las Vegas regularly, then?”

A huff of laughter escapes me. I look over to make sure Mal isn’t within earshot, then I shake my head. “Definitely not. That was bizarre behavior on my part, not to be repeated.”

A corner of Luna’s mouth curls up. “Yeah. The fact that we… you know… met back there… and then we work together now…” She shakes her head. “It’s a total fluke.”

I shift in my hard wooden seat, just a little uncomfortable with the topic. “Yeah. A fluke. I definitely never thought that I would see you again, that’s for sure.”

Luna looks up at me, her gaze seeming to go right through my flesh. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing, Gabe?”

Before I can answer that, Mal calls to me. “Hey. The guests want to look around outside. You were right, it is warm in here.” She flashes a smile. “We’ll be within shouting distance, okay?”

I nod at her, watching everyone else leave the shelter. Luna shivers, glancing back to where they filed out the door.

“I guess we don’t have to worry about being overheard now.”

I just slide a checker piece forward, unsure how to answer that. “I should check on the fire,” I rumble, getting up.

“Oh! Let me just—" Luna says, standing up.

As I go, I catch a delicate scent… not perfume exactly… but definitely feminine. Unable to help myself, I lean closer to Luna, curious.

She turns her head at just the right moment, her lips brushing my cheek. Her eyes widen.

“Oh, I’m sorry— “

For a second, I can’t hear her excuse. I see her lips moving.

I remember how they felt pressed against mine when we were in that club in Vegas. I’ve never kissed anyone quite like Luna before or since; sinuous, weaving herself all around me, sucking at my air.

I want to have that again. Without thinking it through, I slide a hand behind her back and press her close.

I forgot how electric things between us were. Just standing here, we throw off sparks.

I lean down at the same time as she tips her head up. Our mouths meet, hers so sweet and hot that for a second I am seared through.


This energy, bouncing back and forth between us.

This is what I still crave.

She makes a soft sound, pressing up onto her tiptoes. I growl into her mouth, deepening the kiss and closing my eyes.

Suddenly a clap of thunder breaks through into the haze. My eyes shoot open and I look up at the sky.

With another crackle of lightning, a hard rain starts falling. A few drops at first, but only half a minute later it’s pouring.

“Oh!” Luna says, stepping back from me.

Mumbling a curse, I help her pack up the chess board. “We have to get back to the boat. We could be stuck here otherwise.”

“Do you have my medical bag?” she asks.

I nod, my jaw tensing. “I’ll bring it.”

Hurrying her out the door, I see Mal running back into the clearing. “Back to the boat?”

I nod. “As fast as we can go.”

We herd everyone up and drive them back to the sea. I follow last, letting Mal go first.

Luna hangs back and watches me like a hawk. “We’re okay, right?”

I glance up at the sky as we rush through the woods. “We should be fine.”

If that lightning stays away while we are loading the boat, anyhow…

When we break out of the trees, Luna stumbles. I pick her up, holding her hand in mine.

In a moment of crisis, it just feels natural. I don’t give my grip on her hand much thought because soon we are rushing down to the beach and getting on the skiffs.

As I’m helping Luna on board, there is a quick moment between us. Our eyes meet. That same electricity cracks in the air between us, as potent as lightning.

“Thanks,” she says softly.

I nod, jumping in the little boat right behind her. We waste no time in hightailing it back to the yacht.

Once the last person has boarded the ship and headed downstairs to ride out the storm, I finally feel like I can breathe again.

But that same energy that Luna and I somehow created is still surrounding me, even lingering into the wee hours.

In the dark I lay in my bed and think about her, despite knowing full well that she is not for me.

Chapter Sixteen


“There you go,” I say, finishing Copyright 2016 - 2024