Sinful Ever After - Vivian Wood Page 0,11

day of work like that, I don’t have the energy to worry about what ails me.”

I find myself hoping like hell that she can’t detect my bullshit.

Her delicate brows descend as she frowns at my non-answer. With any luck it’s not obvious that I am hiding something.

Luckily at that moment the woods fall away behind us, revealing the staff quarters. They’re not nearly as fancy as the main house, only one story high, without all the decorative gables and stuff. But somehow the gray paint still looks decent, not nearly peeling away as much here as on the main house. The roof needs a little patching, but three of the four separate quarters inside the house are basically untouched.

Each quarter has its own entrance. I point to the front left. “I’m there. There are four apartments. You can have either the right front or the back left.”

She raises her eyebrows. “Who is in the back right?”

Shaking my head a little, I hesitate. “No one, but there is some water damage back there.”

“Oh.” She starts toward the right front, the apartment next to mine. I let her sweep in front of me as I stand back and take in her slender figure. Olivia’s definitely a sight to behold, as much of a work of art from behind as she is from the front. She sucks in a deep breath. “I guess I’ll take this one? But… I am not even sure where to start. I guess I should get my suitcases out of the car…”

She looks in a window, putting her hand up to get a better view. As she does, my gaze trails down to her still-damp dress. I can't help but notice her ass in that dress. It’s plump and firm, riding high. She would look amazing wearing nothing but a silky thong.

I can almost see her underwear, which I imagine I would be a little disappointed to find exists at all. My eyes narrow on her ass. If I had to guess, I would say that she is wearing white panties, which is its own kind of a turn on.

Hell, any color panties can be exciting if you only care about what’s underneath.

When she glances back at me though, I feel chagrin. I’m not supposed to look at women in that way. Not appraisingly, like I can calculate their value by trying to figure out what they would be like in bed.

Especially not her. I just need to put her out of my mind, except… I find that nearly impossible with Olivia.

Though I wonder, if she was anyone else, would I already be trying to put the moves on her? She is drop dead gorgeous after all, in a quiet way. I usually like my women loud, but…

Shaking my head, I clear my throat. Maybe this is what Nate was talking about. I am kind of a dog when it comes to women.

I lick my lips. She’s expecting me to say something, I’m sure of it.

“I can help you,” I say. She raises her eyebrows. “To get your bags back here, I mean. I’m thinking that if I have to share a space with someone, at least it’s someone I already know. And someone who is immune to my charms, as it were. Being that you’re my practically family, if I were ever to so much as look at you the wrong way, Grayson would flip out.”

It’s good to get that out there, regardless of whether or not it’s true.

Olivia goes still, her face perfectly neutral. Her response is measured, when it comes. All I get from her is a vague, “Oh?”

Which really isn’t saying anything at all.

“Should we go in?” I ask, pointing at the house. “The door is open.”

She hesitates for a second, then turns to the front door of the apartment. Turning the knob, she opens the door and disappears into the house. I follow her, watching as Olivia looks around. Tall ceilings, white walls. A small sitting room, a tiny kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. All fairly spartan in the way they are furnished, and all covered with a good couple of inches of dust.

I came in this apartment a few days ago so I know that it’s essentially just the mirror image of my place. Olivia runs her hand over the table that sits between the sitting area and the kitchen, nodding her head as she looks around.

“It’s kind of cute,” she says. “The furniture all looks like it is as old Copyright 2016 - 2024