Sinful Ever After (Sinful Serenade Book 5) - Crystal Kaswell Page 0,42

He's learned well.

"Okay, fair enough." I go to push myself out of the tub, but it's too slippery.

Drew is there instantly. He slides his arms under my armpits. In one swift movement, he pulls me up and out of the tub.

Damn, the man is strong. Sometimes I forget what control he has over his body—over every part of his body.

I look up at him. "Can we go back to the part where I'm coming until I can't take it anymore?"

"After you take the test." He runs his fingertips over my cheek. His expression gets intense, protective. "Kara, this is important. Maybe the most important thing we'll ever do."

"Do you really want to have a baby?"

He nods.


"Later would be easier, but now is fine, yeah. I want a future with you. I want the whole thing—the house, the white picket fence, the kids, the dog." He scrunches his nose. "Not the dog. You're allergic."

"Maybe a snake."

He laughs. "Yeah, sure. A snake."

"I don't want a white picket fence. I want a fancy beach house like Tom has."

"Not in his neighborhood. Too many vagrants and junkies."

My shoulders relax. Drew's already got this under control. Sort of. I know I can't do it on my own. But with him... that feels possible.

"Take it now," he says. "I'll keep them busy."

"After they leave."

Drew's eyes fix on mine. He stares at me like he's staring into my soul. "You've been killing yourself wondering. Not gonna watch you do that." He drops his voice. "It's killing me too."

My gaze goes to the tile floor. He's right, but I'm still not taking the test until they leave. "I'm not taking the test in front of our friends. I don't want to tell anyone until I process this, and I don't want to have to worry about their reactions or about hiding my reaction from them."

Drew frowns, but he doesn't argue.

"After breakfast," I say.

Drew slides his arm around my waist to lead me out of the bathroom.

Tom launches into a slow clap. "Embarrassing shit, Guitar Prince. You didn't even last three minutes. I timed it."

Willow nods. Her chin-length pink hair sways with her movements. "He did time it, but it's obvious you two weren't having sex. We would have heard a lot more." She nods hello to me. "Good to see you, Kara. You look beautiful. Your hair always looks good. I'm jealous."

What a sweet, lying sister-in-law I have. Well, I guess Drew and I aren't married yet. But close enough.

"Kid, she looks pretty shitty. Like she slept in that makeup. No offense, Kara. You're still hot." Tom slides his arm around his wife. He blows a wavy blond strand from his green eyes. "Your tits look bigger than normal."

Drew growls.

I shoot him an it's fine look, but he still pulls me closer. I can't say that I mind the proximity. His body is warm and hard. When his arms are around me, I feel safe, like everything really is going to be okay.

Willow covers her face with her palm. She laughs.

"Look at them." He turns to her. "Don't get me wrong, kid. I prefer yours. But those are fucking huge."

Willow nods. "Sweetie, you know you're allowed to have thoughts and not vocalize them."

"Not sure about that," Toms says.

She raises a brow.

"Let me try." He looks her up and down. His mischievous green eyes get brighter. His tongue slides over his lips. "Fuck, you're right. Thought about unzipping your jeans and I didn't—"

Willow turns bright red. "Down, boy."

Tom smiles. "You should try directing your attention a little lower."

Despite the delight in her eyes, Willow clears her throat. "We are in my brother Drew's hotel room. Not ours. And we're here to ask them to breakfast." She turns to us. "We should have called, but we're here. You guys want to get breakfast? We only got in an hour ago."

Drew is still in guard dog stance. Hard to blame him with Tom flirting in his face. It's hard for me to wrap my head around Tom as a sweet, faithful husband when I saw him plow through so many women.

Must be harder for Drew.

It's difficult to get over the difference in pre- and post-Willow Tom. He always seemed like he knew what he wanted, but the way he looks at her—it's like she hung the moon.

They'll be a good aunt and uncle. Tom will play with the kid. He'll spoil the shit out of the kid. Willow will be a more even-tempered caretaker. She's a little shy—we're all shy compared Copyright 2016 - 2024