Sin of Silence (Sinner's Empire #1) - Nikita Slater Page 0,85

knew she was exhibiting textbook symptoms. She was genuinely sympathetic to her captors and didn’t want to see them harmed, despite the ongoing danger to herself. She was forming an emotional bond with Jozef that was growing tighter with each physical encounter. Every time he touched her, he sent her hormones into a tizzy until she couldn’t think straight.

“It’s just oxytocin telling you that you have feelings for him,” she told herself. “Get a grip, oxytocin is a lying bastard and you know it.”

A woman chose that moment to walk into the washroom. She gave Shaun a half-smile before choosing one of the stalls. The washroom was large, with spacious stalls which were completely enclosed in frosted glass paneling that allowed the occupants privacy. Shaun took advantage of her own few minutes of privacy by splashing water on her face, washing her hands and drying them with a paper towel.

Feeling slightly better, she made her way back to her table, ignoring Halil who shadowed her every step. As she sat down, she was able to smile at Jozef. She felt more normal, more herself, some of her confusion ebbing. Life wasn’t black and white but filled with grey shadows. It wasn’t such a surprise that she liked her captors. They presented themselves as a normal, albeit very wealthy, family, with all the accompanying family issues. Shaun could relate to them on some level and it made her feel sympathetic toward them. That didn’t mean she had Stockholm. She could and would leave when the timing was right.

Shaun and Jozef had a pleasant meal, conversing entirely in sign language until their food arrived. Jozef regaled Shaun with more anecdotes about Prague, his childhood and his travels. Under his uncle’s patronage, Jozef travelled the world with his team, doing odd jobs and ensuring lucrative business for the Kobas. While he didn’t go into great detail, he gave Shaun enough of a picture that she understood their reach was far and wide, spanning the world over, including Canada, where the Kobas had shares in lumber.

They stopped talking when their food came, falling into a companionable silence.

The chef had prepared a tomato bisque soup to start, followed by thin slices of prime rib served over horseradish mashed potatoes with grilled asparagus spears on the side. It was a simple dish, but one of the best things Shaun had ever eaten. Each bite was an orgasmic experience in her mouth, and she couldn’t help moaning out loud.

When she looked up, both Halil and the waiter were watching her with fixed expressions, Jozef with a scowl. Halil was the first to look away when Havel smacked him in the head, while Jozef turned the heat of his annoyed stare on the waiter who rushed to apologize.

When Jozef’s gaze swung round to meet hers, the ice in his eyes melted away, leaving his expression warm and glowing once more. He hadn’t minded the way she was acting, but he didn’t like the men surrounding them to watch.

He was jealous, Shaun realized.

It wasn’t the first indication she had that he was jealous, but before she’d chalked up his behaviour to protectiveness. He'd wanted to protect his family name and his reputation from gossip and wanted to make sure Shaun was treated with respect. Now she wasn’t so sure. His glares and growls felt more personal. As though he wanted to shield her personally from all other men and the world surrounding them.

It was a fanciful thought, one she reminded herself she shouldn’t be having. Jozef had about as much business being jealous over her as she had of being jealous of his other women. They’d barely known each other a few weeks. He didn’t even know who she was before kidnapping her, which meant he had nothing to be jealous about.

They finished their meal and waited silently as the dishes were taken away. Jozef asked Shaun if she was satisfied and she smiled at him, rubbing her belly. “That was wonderful, I’d love to come back here sometime.”

We will, I’ll make sure of it, he answered.

Shaun was beginning to feel sleepy. Are we going home soon?

Soon. He looked at her enigmatically. I have something to show you first.

He led Shaun from the restaurant without paying and she assumed either one of his men would pay or he didn’t have to because his family owned the restaurant. It was a weird feeling, leaving without paying. She felt like a dine-n-dasher.

Jozef threaded his fingers through hers and together they walked Copyright 2016 - 2024