Sin of Silence (Sinner's Empire #1) - Nikita Slater Page 0,83

her over and shook his head. You’re perfect the way you are.

Chapter Thirty

Security hovered around the couple as they made their way through Prague. Jozef took Shaun to wander down by the beautiful Vltava river and visit nearby tourist sites. He touched her as often as he could, his caresses gentle and solicitous, never crossing the line into darker territory. When he wasn’t touching her, he was signing rapidly, giving her information about the sites they were visiting, telling her anecdotes of his youth and guiding her through a city steeped in history.

It was an exciting opportunity for a person from Canada, a relatively young country where history could only go back so far. Jozef showed her St. George’s Basilica at Prague castle. Built in 920 it was one of the oldest churches in the Czech Republic. As they walked the castle grounds, Jozef pointed at a huge golden chapel, St. Vitus Cathedral, its grand architecture breathtaking as the sun lit up its gold turrets. Shaun watched his hands as he explained, my aunt and uncle were married in this church. It was one of the last weddings performed here. Now it is a tourist attraction, though there is still the occasional service.

Shaun asked, were you born yet when they married?

He nodded. I was a child, too young for the event, but my parents attended.

She wanted to ask about his parents but didn’t know how to broach the subject. Based on some of the gossip she’d heard around the mansion and knowing that Jozef was raised by his aunt and uncle, she guessed that there was a story behind their deaths.

Next, Jozef took her to a restaurant. At first, Shaun was hesitant, as it was clearly a high-end restaurant, probably more extravagant than any restaurant Shaun had ever been in, and she was wearing a pair of jeans, a light pink blouse and a patterned scarf. Jozef didn’t seem to care about a dress code though. He walked confidently up to the host with his hand firmly wrapped around Shaun’s.

“Ah, Mr. Koba, we have your table ready. Please follow me.”

The host turned and weaved his way between tables to the back corner where a table was set aside. He pulled out the chair for Shaun as she sat down and reached to place a cloth napkin over her lap. Jozef caught the napkin, tugging it away from the man and waving him away. Jozef smoothed the napkin over Shaun’s lap while she blushed at the small intimacy.

“Do you come here often?” Shaun asked, taking a gulp of her water to chill her burning cheeks. What she really wanted to know was if he brought dates here often, but she wasn’t willing to ask that question.

Jozef frowned and tapped her arm impatiently. Speak to me in our language, he signed, then he answered her question. I’ve been here only a few times. My uncle owns the place and this table belongs to the family. He likes to bring Aunt Dasha here.

Shaun was happy that she had nothing to be jealous about, but then gave her head a small shake. She didn’t have any business being jealous about anything related to Jozef, let alone his past conquests. What was wrong with her? She never cared about this sort of thing. Never became possessive of a man, especially one she knew wasn’t good for her.

To distract from the moment, she asked, so your uncle owns both the restaurant and the club?

Jozef shook his head while signing, no, my uncle owns this restaurant and several other local businesses. I own the club.

Shaun was surprised. The Koba clan tended to think in terms of family, not individuals, so she assumed the club was family owned. Why do you own the club?

He shrugged. It was a good investment opportunity. There’s no point in having a fortune if you don’t spend it.

Shaun knew enough about the mob to understand that they often owned businesses to funnel dirty money through, making it legitimate. She didn’t suppose Jozef would explain the process to her.

Their waiter approached the table, beaming obsequiously at Jozef. “Sir, we have informed the chef of your presence and he respectfully requests that you allow him to prepare a menu for you and your…” His gaze slid to Shaun. She didn’t know what to say but was saved having to clarify her status in Jozef’s life when his second-in-command, Havel, appeared from out of the shadows.

“Dr. Patterson is Mr. Koba’s fiancé,” he said coolly, his gaze Copyright 2016 - 2024