Simmer Down - Sarah Smith Page 0,117

stopped loving you.”

“You still love me?”

He nods, pulling me closer by the hands. We’re nearly chest to chest now. I have to tilt my head up just to keep looking at him.

“I’ve been miserable without you. Just ask Finn.” Callum’s chest heaves with a breath. “Last night he got back from a day trip with Grace, sat me down, and asked if I finally watched Penelope’s video. I hadn’t, of course, since I had been working, volunteering, and entertaining our cousin. So he pulled out his phone and played it for me. I was speechless. He said he was sick of me being an insufferable lump and I had no reason to be sad knowing you felt the same way about me, and that I needed to find you and make things right.”

I tear up once more, but this time it’s okay because I’m smiling. “Finn said that?”

“He did.”

He wraps his arms around my waist. “So let’s do this the right way. I want a proper relationship with you out in the open, for everyone to know and see. No more hiding.”

“I want that too. I love you, Callum.”

“I love you, Nikki.”

He leans down to kiss me, and it’s an explosion. Our tongues tangle and tease until we absolutely have to come up for air. I collapse into him, and he hugs me tight against his body.

Whistles and claps follow our very public display of affection. I tuck my face into Callum’s chest, smiling.

“Half the people on this beach are naked, and this is what they stop and stare at?” Callum growls into my neck.

I lean back to look at him. “Maybe they’re staring because we’re the odd ones out.”

He squints.

“You promised we’d go skinny-dipping together some day, remember? Today could be the day.”

He leans his head back in a groan.

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re shy all of a sudden. You swim in your birthday suit regularly, Mr. James.”

He raises an eyebrow. “So I’m Mr. James now?”

“Anything to get you naked as soon as possible.”

He lets loose that melodic laugh, and I almost can’t breathe. That sound. Good Lord, I missed it.

He tugs at the waistband of his maroon swim trunks. I catch his wrist, chuckling. “Wait, I was kidding. You don’t actually have to get naked in front of all these people.”

He doesn’t even flinch at the prospect of being in his birthday suit on the beach in front of a hundred strangers. “I honestly don’t care if there are zero or a million people around. I do this all the time. It doesn’t bother me.” He loosens the drawstring of his shorts.

A second later the fabric drops to the sand, and I indulge in a seconds-long ogle. Just as glorious as the first time I saw him dripping wet and completely nude on this exact beach months ago.

I can’t help the wide smile that splits my face. I look up at him. His unflappable expression and tone have me hooked. Normally, I’d balk at the idea of being naked in front of strangers. But with Callum next to me, I’m at ease. Clothed or naked, I’m comfortable, as long as I’m with him.

I reach for the tie of my bikini top, but he stops me with a hand on my wrist. “You don’t have to just because I’m doing it.”

“I want to. Really. And look.”

I point to the people around us, none of whom are paying attention to us anymore. Half of the people running into and out of the waves are naked. Half of the people lying on the beach are naked too.

“No one’s even looking at us. Nudity isn’t a novelty on this beach,” I say. “But even if they do look, I don’t care. No more hiding. I’m with you now, and I want everyone to see.”

A wide smile stretches across Callum’s face.

I toss my bikini top onto his rumpled shorts, then hook my thumbs through the waist of my bottoms, but then stop. “But I do have one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You agree to cook with me at Travaasa Hana.”


“Absolutely. I got that opportunity because of you. And I want to share it with you.”

He grins, his hands falling to his hips. I can’t help but run my gaze along the most flawlessly cut Adonis belt I’ve ever seen.

“Ah, so this is a pity request,” he teases.

I grab the meaty part of his forearm. “Hardly. You forget I’ve cooked with you. I know how amazing you are in the kitchen. I loved working with you for Copyright 2016 - 2024