Silver-Tongued Devil - Lorelei James Page 0,95

help getting dressed?”


“Now…how’d I know you were gonna say that?” Silas pressed the other coffee cup into her hand and kissed her forehead. “I’ll saddle up your horse and be waitin’ for ya outside.”

They didn’t speak beyond Silas instructing her and her obeying, mostly because they were both in a rush to get this done.

With their late start, they didn’t finish until one in the afternoon and then he still had to deal with Henrikson’s cattle.

Henrikson was a real prick about it too.

Normally Silas had no problem staying civil and nodding when Henrikson complained and berated him. But he’d had enough of everyone’s shit that he wasn’t about to swallow another mouthful.

“You know what, Garold, if I’m doin’ such a piss-poor job takin’ care of your cattle then it’s time we parted ways. You can deal with your own livestock or hire someone else to do it, but I’m done.” He tipped his hat. “Good luck to you.” Then he turned and tore off toward home.

By the time Dinah caught up to him, he’d had his horse turned out and the oxen hooked up to the wagon.

“Good lord. Those things are huge.”

“They’ll get the job done.”

“Are they mean?”

“Nope. They were castrated early so they’re calmer. That’s why they’re best for pulling and plowing.”

“I don’t imagine they have names.”

Silas snorted and adjusted the modified horse collars he used instead of a yoke.

“Since as of tonight I’ll be in permanent residence at the McKay Ranch, from here on out, I will be naming our livestock.” She dismounted and approached the ox on the left side. “This one is Beast. The one on the right will be known as Beauty.”

“Whatever you want, darlin’. We gotta get a move on if we’re gonna get loaded and get back here and unloaded before dark.”

“That doesn’t leave us any time to go to the courthouse today, does it?”

“Nope. The best day of my life is gonna have to be tomorrow.” He pulled the cinch. He turned and Dinah was right there.

“I get so mad at you, McKay, and then you go and say such heartfelt things that I just melt.”

Grinning, he stole a kiss. “It’s my job as your husband to make you melt at least once a day and twice on Sundays. Then I’m gonna take my own sweet time licking you up.”

“I’ll be right back.” Dinah kissed him. “I’ve gotta grab something out of the house.”

It took twice as long to get to Doc’s by wagon as it did on horseback.

Dinah had gone inside to speak with Mrs. Agnes, since Doc was out on a call. She seemed to’ve been gone a long time. Maybe the crotchety old woman was informing her that Doc wasn’t releasing her from their agreement as easily as she’d believed.

Silas caged up the two chickens and rooster that his intended had purchased in the last month. He wandered through the barn, wondering how much Doc would ask for the milk cow, since it’d go un-milked if Dinah wasn’t here to do it.

A clanking noise outside the barn caught his attention.

Thinking it was Dinah, he peered around the corner to see Zeke West leaning against the corral, gun clutched in his hand.

After yesterday, Silas should’ve been scared, but today he was just tired of this. Yes, he’d played a part in things getting to this point, but how much more would he and Dinah have to put up with?

“Come on out, McKay. I know you can see me.”

“Why are you here, West? Can’t you just let it go?”

“I’m getting really tired of everyone tellin’ me that.”

“If everyone is tellin’ you that, then maybe you oughta listen.”

Bootsteps shuffled in the dirt, making Silas wonder if West was drunk.

“Get out here,” Zeke said. “I’d hate to have to shoot your—”

Silas hustled out with his hands above his head. “I’m here. I’m unarmed. Now what do you want?”

“A fair fight. Not a fist fight or a game of chance. Let’s settle this Old West style.” He snickered. “Get it? I’m the same old West?”

Jesus. This man had rocked off the rails completely.

“As to your question, I want one thing I’ve been denied.” Zeke spun the Colt on his index finger, forward and backward, stopping it with his palm. “A real gunfight.”

“I told you, I’m not armed.”

“Well, that’s just plain dumb, McKay. I told you I’d be gunnin’ for you. I would’ve thought after yesterday, when I proved I can get to Dinah any time I want, that you would be all puffed up Copyright 2016 - 2024