Silver-Tongued Devil - Lorelei James Page 0,8

a dozen men sitting at the bar. Off to the right side he saw both gambling tables were full too.

Dickie, the bartender, who was also Mrs. Mavis’s husband, caught his attention and gave the sign for Jonas to exit out the back. Then he bent down to tug the pulley that rang the bell in the Madam’s room that warned of trouble.

After a brief nod, Jonas strolled through the space, ignoring the patrons as they ignored him, cutting through the kitchen and storage areas at the rear of the saloon and out the delivery entrance.

Five steps later he stood outside the back edge of Ruby Red’s building. To the casual observer, there wasn’t a door. He knocked twice. After a few minutes, a section that appeared to be broken siding opened a crack.

“It’s Jonas.”

Ruby herself opened the hidden door and beckoned him in.

He walked past her down a short, dark hallway. He heard her slide the metal bar that blocked the outer door as he entered her personal living space.

The vibrant color scheme in her parlor furnishings suited her. From the chaise lounge covered in sage-green velvet and embellished with gold tassels, to the double bench settee in vibrant blue, trimmed with a thick silk cord the hue of a robin’s egg, and a side table with legs whimsically carved to resemble peacock heads. On the opposite side was a high-backed chair comprised of pale pink tufted fabric, decorated with dark pink satin piping and beaded fringe. Beneath his feet was a spongy rug; the curlicues and flowers in it contained all the colors of the furniture, pillows and wallpaper.

Since the building had no windows, save for the ones in front, she’d created what appeared to be a window behind the settee: a long curtain rod with ivory damask drapes swooping across and floral-patterned silk panels hanging below it. She’d placed candles and kerosene lamps on the side tables, creating ambiance to counteract the absence of natural light.

The room was wholly feminine. He felt like the proverbial bull among her delicate things and opted to sit in the sturdy rocking chair next to the small cookstove when they spent time in here—which wasn’t often.

When she said, “Is Silas all right?” Jonas turned around and faced her.

God, the woman was pretty. Long, black hair, which, unbound, reached her waist. Eyes as bright blue as the cushions on her settee. Wide cheeks that tapered to a sharply pointed chin. And those lips. Those full, soft, luscious red lips that never failed to stir his desire.

She’d thrown a lavender embroidered silk robe over her nightdress—a nightdress created with sheer black lace that dipped low on her abundant bosom. Tiny bows and silk roses dotted the neckline.

Jonas had the overwhelming desire to rip each flower off with his teeth to get to the soft, fragrant, creamy skin that lay beneath.

“Jonas?” she said in that husky rasp.

His eyes met hers. “How’d you hear about it?”

“Millie said everyone ran out of the saloon when Zeke started shouting, so she followed.” Her gaze searched his face. “Sounded like you got there quickly after it started.”

Reaching out, he ran the backs of his knuckles down the smooth curve of her jaw. “Only because I was on my way here to see you.”

She leaned into his touch. “He must be okay if you came back.”

“Doc fixed him up.” He continued to stroke her cheek. “Silas ended up with a self-inflicted knife wound. I can’t believe that he let Zeke West beat the holy hell out of him again. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen Silas lose a fight to any man other than West.”

“What is it with those two?”

Jonas dropped his hand. Hardened his eyes. “Why don’t you tell me?”


“Tonight I found out that Silas and Zeke got into it months ago over one of your girls.”

“Oh. That.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because Silas specifically asked me not to. And no, he didn’t ask me not to tell you because he found out that you and I are…close.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “And yet, you kept it from me that you and my brother are palling around when I’m out of town? Just how…close are you two?”

Those mesmerizing eyes widened before narrowing with anger, and he braced himself. “Bugger off, McKay. I’d never be close like that with your brother. I only knew about his injury because someone needed to take him to Doc, to discover if that fool West had broken more than his pride.”

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