Silver-Tongued Devil - Lorelei James Page 0,35

didn’t mind.

Back at Doc’s, he stowed the buggy in the barn and said a quick hello to Doc and Mrs. Agnes before he returned outside to his horse. He might’ve kissed Dinah with more passion than an early evening warranted, especially since they were entwined in plain sight, but Dinah’s reaction stirred a primal need in him.

“Promise me you’ll always kiss me like that?” she whispered in his ear.

“Truly be my pleasure, sugar pie.”

“When will I see you again?”

“I’ll try to make it into town sometime this week. If that don’t happen, I’ll be here on Saturday afternoon for sure.”

She frowned. “I hope I’m here then. Now that school’s out, I sometimes go with Doc when he makes house calls.”

Silas gave her one last kiss. A kiss that lingered because she sure liked kissing him. Hard to ride away from that.

But he had to.

He mounted up and she stayed to watch him. “Be seein’ you soon, Dinah.”

Chapter Nine

Tuesday morning while Dinah was out weeding the garden, she heard hoofbeats. Hopeful, she peered around the tomato plant to see Silas reining his horse to a stop right outside the fence line.

For a moment she let herself admire the masculine glory of him on horseback. A rugged man in full control of the massive animal beneath him. Even from where she stood, she noticed the powerful muscles in Silas’s thighs. His mastery in directing his horse with his knees rather than just yanking on the reins. Not to mention how mesmerizing his backside was as he dismounted with balance and grace.

As he tied up his horse, he called out, “Good morning, sweetheart.”

“Good morning.” She stepped out of the garden. “Please tell me you’re not here to see Doc because you broke, burned or sliced a body part?”

Silas laughed.

That husky, warm sound enveloped her like a summer breeze.

“No, I’m here to see my girl. Made a special trip to town and everything.”

Dinah cocked her head in challenge. “Really.”

“Well…no. But I had to come into Robinette’s to pick up a few things for Henrikson, since he’s feelin’ poorly, and I thought I’d swing by to see your pretty face.”

They were close enough to touch but separated by the chicken-wire fence.

Silas’s intense gaze roamed over her, from her hat to her work boots. When his blue eyes met hers again, she felt as if he’d stripped her bare and run his hands across her skin.

Suppressing a shiver, she flipped her braid over her shoulder. “Do I pass inspection?”

“Sugar pie, as always, you look good enough to eat.”


“Come around the fence and give me a proper kiss.” He flashed her his devilish smile. “Or better yet…a very improper kiss.”

Dinah removed her hat and set it in the basket before she lifted the metal loop that served as the handle for the outer gate.

As soon as she was within touching distance, Silas cupped her face in his hands. His kiss was softer than she’d anticipated. A few teasing brushes of his mouth across hers. Then his happy sigh gusted across her lips as he rested his forehead to hers, his hat keeping them in shadow.

“That was very proper,” she whispered.

“Mmm. You needed it sweet.” He angled her head to press his lips to her temple. “I’ll save improper for when Mrs. Agnes ain’t gawkin’ out the window at us.”

When Dinah tried to turn around to see if he was pulling her leg, he held fast.

“Nope. She can have your attention later. I want you all to myself since I can’t stay long.” He nuzzled her hairline. “Walk with me.” He took her hand.

“Where to?”

“Show me your outdoor classroom.”

It pleased her immensely that he’d remembered that.

They strolled hand in hand through the long grass, still soaked with dew. It felt completely natural being with Silas, even when the anticipation of his improper kisses caused her belly to churn.

“What’s going on at the McKay Ranch today?”

“I’m roundin’ up cows, five or so at a time, and puttin’ them in one of the two bullpens.”

“How many bulls do you have?”

“Six. I’ve been buildin’ a new pen closer to the creek, where the grass grows faster. I had two big bulls born this spring and as soon as they’re weaned, they’ll move into the bullpen and I’ll rotate the oldest bull out.”

“Rotate him out. Meaning?”

“He’ll be butchered.”

“Do you butcher it yourself?”

“Yeah. It ain’t the best meat so I keep it for myself. It’s messy work.”

Dinah stopped and looked at him. “Is that hard? Killing an animal that you’ve cared for?”

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