The Silver Linings Playbook - By Matthew Quick Page 0,87

heard the splash Mad Nipper made when he entered the harbor, and this person fished him out and yelled for help right after the other rappers left. Danny claims that the salt in the water kept his brain alive, but I don't understand how that could be, especially since he was thrown into the filthy harbor and not the ocean. After an operation that removed tiny parts of his skull from his brain, and a lengthy stay at the hospital, Danny was brought to the bad place. The worst part was that he lost his ability to rap - he just couldn't make his mouth rap anymore, at least not as fast as he used to - so he took a vow of silence, which he broke only after looking into my eyes for a very long period of time.

Once, I asked Danny who he saw when he looked into my eyes, and he told me he saw his aunt Jasmine. When I asked him why he saw his aunt Jasmine, he told me she was the woman who had raised him up until he became a man.

"Danny?" I say, kneeling before the manger.

"Who are you?"

"It's Pat Peoples."

"White Pat from Baltimore?"



"I don't know."

"You're bloody. What happened?"

"God punished me, but then He led me here."

"What you do to make God angry?"

"I cursed Him, but I said I was sorry."

"If you really Pat People, what's my name?"

"Mad Nipper, a.k.a. Danny."

"You eat Christmas dinner yet?"


"You like ham?"


"You wanna eat with me and Aunt Jasmine?"


Danny helps me stand, and when I limp into Aunt Jasmine's home, it smells of pine needles and baked ham and pineapple sauce. A small Christmas tree is decorated with popcorn strings and colorful blinking lights, two green-and-red stockings are hung on a fake fireplace mantel, and on the television the Eagles are playing the Cowboys.

"Sit down," Danny says. "Make yourself at home."

"I don't want to get blood on your couch."

"It's got a plastic cover, see?"

I look, and the couch is really covered with plastic, so I sit down and see that the Eagles are winning, which surprises me, since Dallas was favored.

"I've missed you," Danny says after he sits down next to me. "You didn't even say goddamn goodbye when you left."

"Mom came and got me when you were in music relaxation class. When did you get out of the bad place?"

"Just yesterday. Out on good behavior."

I look at my friend's face and see that he is serious. "So you get out of the bad place yesterday, and I just happen to run to your neighborhood and get mugged on your street and find you here?"

"Guess so," Danny says.

"It sort of seems like a miracle, doesn't it?"

"Miracles happen on Christmas, Pat. Everybody knows that shit."

But before we can say more, a petite, serious-looking woman - who is wearing huge black-rimmed glasses - walks into the living room and starts screaming, "Oh, my Lord! Oh, Jesus!" I try to convince Aunt Jasmine I'm okay, but she calls 911, and then I am in an ambulance being driven to Germantown Hospital.

When I arrive at the emergency room, Aunt Jasmine prays for me and yells at a lot of people until I am taken to a private room, where my clothes are removed and my wounds are cleaned.

I am given an IV while I tell a police officer what happened.

After X-rays, the doctors tell me that my leg is really messed up; my mother, Caitlin, and Jake arrive, and then my leg is put in a white cast that starts at my heel and ends just below my hip.

I want to apologize to Danny and Aunt Jasmine for ruining their Christmas dinner, but my mother tells me that they left soon after she arrived, which makes me really sad for some reason.

When I am finally released from the hospital, a nurse puts a purple sock over my bare toes and gives me a pair of crutches, but Jake pushes me in a wheelchair to his BMW. I have to sit sideways in the backseat, with my feet on Mom's lap, because of the cast.

We drive through North Philadelphia in silence, but when we pull out onto the Schuylkill Expressway, Caitlin says, "Well, at least we'll never forget this Christmas." She means it as a joke, but nobody laughs.

"Why isn't anyone asking me how I ended up in North Philadelphia?" I ask.

After a long pause, my mother says, "Tiffany called us from a pay phone and told us everything. We were driving around Copyright 2016 - 2024