Sidequest for Love - L.H. Cosway Page 0,9

I knew I wasn’t exactly his favourite person. Plus, we barely knew each other. But sometimes, it was easier to tell secrets to strangers than to those close to you.

“I used to have a really big crush on Leanne,” Neil blurted.

My eyebrows jumped at his confession. What did Callum’s girlfriend have to do with this? The little tomboy was the last person I expected Neil to fancy. I imagined him going for delicately feminine blondes who wore dresses and cardigans and shit. There was nothing delicately feminine about Leanne, but she was still all woman. Being a fan of the show, I looked up to her a lot, actually. I was kind of impressed that Neil had crushed on her. He really was full of surprises.

“I never stood a chance with her, obviously,” he said, gesturing to himself. “I mean, look at me and look at Callum.”

“Hey, don’t be so down on yourself. You’re a good-looking chap,” I said, feeling like he needed the compliment right then. Sure, Callum Davidson was sex on a stick, but Neil wasn’t unattractive. He was hot in a nerd boy sort of way. If Callum was Superman, then Neil was Clark Kent, and I’d always had a soft spot for men who wore glasses.

His cheeks coloured a little at my compliment. “Thanks,” he said shyly. “But I know what I look like. I’m not the sort of man women notice.”

I wasn’t sure I entirely agreed with that statement, particularly since I had noticed Neil had a nice, pert little backside on him. What? It wasn’t a crime to glance at a bottom from time to time, especially one as visually pleasing as Neil’s. Still, I didn’t argue with him. Instead, I got straight to the point. “So, you decided to pretend to be Callum online? How did that happen?”

He rubbed his jaw. “It’s complicated. When I realised Leanne was never going to choose me over Callum, I was in a really bad place. I was depressed. It was around the same time that Callum started having me run his social media accounts. He had thousands of unread messages from fans, and he wanted me to pretend to be him, just composing a few polite responses, saying thanks for the support and all that. A few months into it, I came across a message from Annabelle,” he sighed, his head falling back against the seat as he stared up at the high ceiling. He had a handsome profile, I noticed.

“And?” I prodded, nudging his elbow. I was hooked on his story and wanted to know more.

“She was a fan of the show and had sent a long message about how she was into parkour and hoped to be as good as Callum one day. She talked about how she looked up to him and would love any advice he could give about improving her free running. I sent her the usual response, thinking I’d leave it at that, but she kept responding, and before I knew it, I was pulled into a full-blown conversation where I was pretending to be Callum. I hadn’t meant for it to happen, but now I really like her, and I hate the fact that I’ve been lying about who I am all this time. I haven’t had the courage to come clean.”

I gave his arm a soft squeeze. “Shit, Neil, that’s tough.” I’d heard my fair share of catfishing stories over the years, but none like this. Neil hadn’t intended to fool this girl. He’d simply been doing his job, and his willpower slipped. It must’ve been especially hard replying to all those messages and pretending to be the guy Leanne chose instead of him.

“I’m going to have to ghost her,” he said. “I can’t keep pretending.”

I studied him a moment. He looked so forlorn, and I happened to be a sucker for lost causes.

“Not necessarily.”

He glanced at me. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you clearly have it bad for this girl. And going by what you’ve said, you two have really hit it off in your conversations. You might’ve been pretending to be Callum at the start, but you’ve still been you behind the mask, and if she’s still chatting with you, then that means she likes your personality. You could come clean. If she’s genuinely into the person she’s been talking to and isn’t just some fame chaser who wants to date a celebrity, then maybe she’ll understand and give you a fair chance.”

Neil stared at me, not Copyright 2016 - 2024