Sidequest for Love - L.H. Cosway Page 0,31

zipping my lips before setting my empty plate aside, burrowing under the covers, and hitting play at the same moment Neil did.



“What?! It can’t just end there,” Afric exclaimed.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

She threw her hands up into the air. “I mean, after all that longing, I thought they’d at least give us a decent sex scene. I feel like writing a strongly worded letter to the BBC.”

“Their period dramas aren’t exactly known for having graphic sex,” I pointed out, mildly amused. Afric and I had just finished watching the final episode of North and South, and she wasn’t impressed with the ending.

“True, but I still think it’s ridiculous that all we get is a kiss. I feel short-changed. My flatmate, Sarita, and I binge-watched Bridgerton at Christmas, and I’m telling ya, they didn’t pull any punches. Neil, your glasses would’ve fogged up at the absolute raunchiness.”

I smiled in bemusement. “Well, sadly for you, this isn’t Bridgerton.”

“You can say that again!”

“You’re surprisingly worked up about this. It might’ve been just a kiss, but don’t you think it was still a very romantic one?” I asked.

“Well, sure, it was romantic, though personally, I’ve never been big into kissing.”

I furrowed my brow. “Seriously?”

Afric shrugged. “It just doesn’t float my boat.”

I was perplexed. “But … when you’re with someone, what do you do? Just … avoid their mouth?”

“Pretty much. I mean, if push comes to shove, I’ll endure a kiss, but my preference is not to do it at all.”

“That is so bizarre,” I said, shaking my head at her. And her lips were far too pretty not to be kissed. I pushed away the errant thought, no idea where it had come from.

“It really isn’t. Some people don’t like chocolate cake. I don’t like kissing.”

“So, you’ll let a man put his penis in you, but you won’t let him kiss you?” I blurted, then instantly regretted it when I saw the mischievous glint in her eye.

“Say ‘put his penis in you’ again,” she encouraged. “That was rather sensual.”

I felt warmth heat my cheeks. “I’m being serious. Why don’t you like kissing?” I was unexpectedly bothered by her preference, and some part of me needed to get to the bottom of it.

“I don’t get why you’re so shocked. It really isn’t a big deal.”

I was stumped as to the reason, too. But I simply couldn’t abide by her not liking kissing. It was one of life’s true pleasures, especially when you found someone you shared a connection with. The first kiss had the potential to be mind-blowing.

“What about when you’re in a relationship? Do you like kissing then?” I went on.

“I don’t do relationships. Not anymore.”

“You don’t? But what about Dev?”

“Dev was the last straw. I’m sick of being broken up with all the time. It’s obvious I’m just not suited to being in a couple.”

“Just because you were dumped doesn’t mean you should completely write-off relationships,” I countered. I was no stranger to being dumped myself.

“Right, but what if every single relationship you’d ever been in ended with your partner breaking things off, never the other way around? Whether it’s the fact that I game for a living, or I talk too much, or I don’t dress sexy enough, men get tired of me after a while and decide to move on. I’m not the sort of person people want to deal with long-term, and I honestly can’t blame them. I can be a lot sometimes. Don’t deny it because I know you thought the same thing about me when we first met. Anyway, now I just find someone to satisfy my sexual needs when the urge arises instead of getting into relationships. It’s a whole lot easier.”

I stared at her face on the screen, then blinked. “Afric, that’s—”

“Kinda mercenary, I know, but it suits me.”

“That’s not what I was going to say. I was going to say that if the men you’re with don’t stick around, then that’s on them, not you. It doesn’t mean you’ll never find someone who wants to spend forever with you. It just means you need to keep looking.”

“But looking is so time-consuming,” she complained.

“Everything worthwhile in life is time-consuming.”

“Well, I’d much rather spend my time at home playing computer games than going out on bad first dates and suffering through boring, stilted or awkward conversations.”

“Okay, you have a point about first dates. I’m not a fan of them either.” I wanted to quiz her further on her dislike of kissing, but I didn’t want Copyright 2016 - 2024