On the Sideline (BSU Football #3) - J.B. Salsbury Page 0,5

through the air as if physically knocking all talk of Loren away. “Tell us what’s going on with the snake retreat guy.”

Evan Zanderboughten. He’s in the ecology masters degree program at University of Los Angeles and runs the LA County Herping Society. I joined the club in an attempt to meet like-minded people. The interaction is mostly online, but the monthly herping expeditions are worth it. Although, in order to look for snakes we have to be very quiet so not a lot of talking. Evan’s a couple years older than me and he looks like a young Jeff Goldblum, even has the same mullet.

I stab the ice in my tea with the straw. “I don’t know. He’s kind of hard to read. When we talk online he’s kind of flirty, but in person…” He probably thinks I’m disgusting. “It’s for the best. With our curls? We shouldn’t be producing offspring together.”

Emery’s blue eyes dart my way. “There’s a lot that happens between flirting and making babies. Don’t give up so soon.”

“You probably make him nervous.” Rowan, always the voice of positivity.

“He’s a brilliant scientist and I’m a walking mop, I’m sure I do not make him nervous.” Truth is, I feel sweaty and awkward when I’m around him. I say whatever stupid thing comes to mind and then beat myself up for my idiocy until I see him again and repeat it all over.

I’m not a confident redhead like Rowan, or a genius level blonde bombshell like Emery. I’m a nerd who likes to play with slimy animals and bugs. Every man’s dream. Not.

After logging lab hours I don’t get back to the sorority house until close to six o’clock.

I park in the driveway of the two-story Victorian mansion with the golden EP proudly lit on top. The sorority house is the nicest on Greek Row, it’s benefactors insistent on being the pride of not only the school but the entire Greek system. Our house has been in Architectural Digest, Coastal Living, and Cosmo as the top 10 best sorority houses in the country. Eta Pi has the Thunderbirds to thank for that.

The house is busy this evening, girls settled in different areas of the living room, dining room, and kitchen either eating or studying. Our housemother, sixty-three year old Aggie (real name Agnes) is scraping roasted vegetables from a cookie sheet onto a platter. I pop a steaming piece of zucchini into my mouth as I pass her and she curses me in German. I snag a Lunchable from the fridge and head to my room, my sanctuary.

Balancing the Lunchable under my chin, I grab my key and unlock the door, kicking it open and dropping my things on the bed. I pull off my sweatshirt and toss it in the hamper, and breathe a sigh of relief at being in nothing but my leggings and sports bra.

“Bex!” Riley’s voice sounds just before her knock. “You there?”

I swing open the door, sending a burst of cool air from the hallway against my bare skin. Ahhhh… “What’s up?”

She wrinkles her nose at my appearance, but thankfully doesn’t comment. She leans around me to search my room. “Loren chased me down at school today and said he left his phone in here on Saturday night when he accidentally passed out on your bed.”

I turn around and pretend to search along with her. “I haven’t seen it.”

“Huh, that’s weird. He said he was sure it was here.”

I hold the door open wider. “You’re welcome to search.”

Her gaze darts to the snake habitats. “No, it’s cool. If it were in here I’m sure you would’ve found it.”

“He was so drunk, he could’ve dropped it anywhere.” I notice then she’s pretty dressed up for a Monday night. Her spaghetti strap tank top giving away that she’s wearing her date night push up bra. Her hair is down, loosely curled, and she’s wearing her fake eyelashes. “You going out?”

She smiles, as if my question excited her. “Loren’s coming over to get his phone and he said he’d hang out for a bit.”

Doesn’t take a mind reader to know what’s on her agenda for the night. My stomach sours. “Cool, well…sorry about the phone.”

“No worries, I’m sure it’ll turn up.” She spins on her Tory Birch sandal and I watch her walk away, her Lulu leggings hugging her perfectly toned ass. She embodies everything that is beautiful. She always has.

I close the door and vow not to feel sorry for myself. I rip open my

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