Show Time (Juniper Ridge Romantic Comedies #1) - Tawna Fenske Page 0,34

snags in my throat as I stand there on the outside of the stall, watching Vanessa light up the whole barn. “Yeah,” I murmur. “Could be.”

Chapter 8


Vincent, Vanessa (CFO: Juniper Ridge)

I really didn’t. Want to be in show-biz, I mean. Doing Baby Spies was fun when I was a kid, but mostly because they gave me candy and let me play video games between takes. But having a career in Hollywood? [makes a face] No thanks. My mom wanted me to. Both of us, my sister and me, but…I don’t know, it seemed like she pushed me harder. We had this screaming match about it. I must have been sixteen, seventeen. She starts yelling about how I didn’t have any idea how to run my life. That the best thing I could do was find a man to keep me in line. I know, right? Crazy thing to say to your own daughter.

I don’t know, I guess I set out to prove her wrong.

Sometimes, I’m not sure I’ve done that.

“I adopted a dog.”

I blurt the words before my sister manages “hello.” That’s how excited I am to tell her.

“Oh my God, a dog? What kind? How old? Does it have a name yet? Tell me everything!”

See? This is why I called Val the instant I got Roughneck settled at my cabin.

My cabin. My dog. My life.

All of this sounds nuts, but I’m giddy it’s my new reality. “The lady who rescued him estimates he’s about four,” I tell her. “She thinks he’s maybe McNab and Bernese mountain dog.”

“I’ve never heard of either of those things. Hang on, let me Google.”

I hear her fingers tapping the keys of her laptop, and I picture her curled up on the sofa in her little Parisian sublet. It’s six in the morning there, but my sister has always been an early riser. The feeling of missing my twin nearly takes me out at the knees, and I breathe deep to keep from crying. Dean’s lucky to get to work with his siblings every day.

Thinking of Dean has the edges of my smile quirking up. On the way back from Sun Daisy Ranch, he let Roughneck ride right up front, perched between us on the bench seat of Dean’s truck. He drove us straight into town to grab supplies, shaking his head in disbelief as he followed me through the pet store.

“I can’t believe Tia’s really considering it,” he said as I loaded the cart with dog bowls and kibble. “For months she’s said there’s no way in hell she’d be part of the show.”

“She’s still a long way from signing on.” Truth be told, I don’t hold much hope she’ll partner with us. She’s got a good thing going and doesn’t need us one bit. I envy her in a way.

“Still, you made good progress. Better than I’ve been able to do.”

The surprise in his voice made me look up from the soft-bristled brush I’d been holding. Dean grabbed it, then scooped up the red plaid dog bed I’d put back because it was too expensive. “Let me get this stuff, okay?”

“What? No, you’re not buying my dog gear.”

“Please.” He slipped out his wallet and extracted one of those metallic black credit cards my mother always covets. “It’s the least I can do. Besides, we’ll definitely want your dog to be part of the show.”

I decided not to argue. Now, talking to my sister, I still can’t believe this is real. “He’s amazing.”

My sister laughs. “The dog or Dean?”

“Very funny.” Also, not wrong. “He really is the best dog.”

Sensing he’s the center of conversation, Roughneck perks his ears from his dog bed in the corner. Stub tail thumping, he picks up the purple stuffed tiger we bought him at the pet store. He chewed the tail to a two-inch nub about an hour ago, breaking it in just how he wanted it. Clutching the toy in his mouth, he rolls to his side and heaves a sigh.

“I’ll rub your belly in a minute,” I assure him.

“Thanks, I could use a good belly rub,” my sister quips. “Holy cow, these are big dogs.”

“Which ones?”

“The Bernese things. They look like bears.”

I glance over at Roughneck, who does look a bit bearlike. “McNabs are herding dogs,” I tell her. “Tia said that’s what makes him smart.”

Ready to demonstrate his intelligence, Roughneck abandons his toy and trots over. He looks up at the couch where I’m sitting, waiting for an invitation. “You can join me.” I pat Copyright 2016 - 2024