Shotgun Sorceress - By Lucy A. Snyder Page 0,79

gods, devouring haughty princes and fattening bratty children in cages of bone deep in the blackest heart of the wilderness.

I pounded down on him, choking him, waiting to feel his pelvis ground to wet rubble beneath me, and was surprised to find myself coming, coming hard.

Crying out, I fell backward against the side of the bed, my flesh still shuddering. The Warlock looked dead; surely I had suffocated him. Jesus, what had I done?

Maybe there was still time to save him. I got up on shaky legs, grabbed his wrist, and started to drag him toward the portal door.

He suddenly came awake with an animal growl and lurched to his feet, glaring at me, blue eyes bright in the ruin of his face, his tool hard again. I could have muscled him over to the door, could have stopped what happened next, but his sudden show of force had ignited my damnable lust again and I just stood there staring back at him.

The Warlock threw me facedown on the bed, and in a heartbeat his rough hands were jerking my hips up in the air, pulling me onto my hands and knees. The jarred traumas rattled in the darkness beneath us. He wedged my legs apart, pressed the blunt tip of his cock against my tightness, and there was a sun-bright pain as he forced himself inside me, and oh God it hurt, but to my hellish need agony was just as good as ecstasy. He thrust again, and an orgasm unwound inside me, fast and relentless as a striking rattlesnake. I howled into the mattress, my muscles rhythmically clamping down on his cock and he was coming, too, shooting stinging heat deep inside me.

A little sanity returned, and I realized that if we stayed in the hellement, we’d tear each other to pieces, and Miko would laugh all the way to the graveyard. Christ, we’ve got to get out of here.

Suddenly the room tilted and we were on our feet; the Warlock was rutting me against the portal door. I reached down and turned the handle, and we both tumbled through.

We came back to our bodies in the dorm room in the same positions we’d left. My jaw ached as if the Goad had been grinding my teeth. The Warlock spat out my nipple and straightened up, his unbloodied face pale and frightened. His semiflaccid cock lolled from his open fly, a bit of semen still beaded on the tip; it felt as if he’d ejaculated copiously all over my chest and belly.

“What was that?” His voice shook. “What the hell just happened? Oh God, what did we just do?”

“Get me out of this chair,” I begged.

The Warlock nodded, tight-lipped, quickly got himself zipped up, and moved to undo the straps on my arm, but there was the sound of a key in the lock and suddenly Cooper was standing there in the doorway dressed in tiger-stripe fatigues.

We all three froze. Cooper’s shocked gaze moved from the Warlock’s guilt-plastered face to my bared breasts and the drying ropes of spunk that adorned them. His face contorted, turning a deep heart-attack red.

Without a word, he launched himself at his brother and rammed his knee into the Warlock’s groin. The Warlock gave a strangled gasp and fell to the floor in a fetal heap. Cooper was right on top of him, brutally punching him, trying to do to him in the real world what I’d done to him in the hell. The Warlock tucked his head under his hands and elbows, rolling into a tight ball. The blank fury in Cooper’s eyes scared me to death. He’d kill his brother.

The twin kittens were still crouched on the shelf above the bed, eyes bright, both purring loudly.

“Help!” I screamed as loud as I could. “Somebody get help!”

Pal! I thought. Pal, I need you! Get up here!

Still no response. Where could he possibly be? I started hollering for help again.

After what seemed like an eternity—probably it was actually only a minute or so—a quartet of cadets came rushing in, Sara close behind.

“Break it up!” Sara barked. “No fighting in the dorm! Y’all take this outside!”

The cadets wrestled the brothers apart, hauled the Warlock to his feet—I could tell his nose was broken, and he had a nasty gash above his left eye—and frog-marched them both out into the hallway, dragging them toward the elevators.

Which left me alone in the room, still strapped in the chair. Well, not entirely alone: the kittens blinked at Copyright 2016 - 2024