Shot in the Dark (Blackbridge Security #2) - Marie James Page 0,60

he kissed me after making me come on his mouth… twice.

“Did you take lessons in seduction?”

A snorted laugh rushes past my lips before I can stop it, and I have to bury my head in the light dusting of hair between his pecs in embarrassment.

“You’re kidding right?” I ask against his skin.

“I just have to see the color purple now, and I’m hard.”

“Bullshit,” I argue. “You have more control than anyone I’ve ever met.”

“I wouldn’t call getting hard sitting on the purple, patent leather booths at Gio’s control, Whitney. Brooks gave me shit for an hour.”

“You didn’t!” Why does his confession, true or not, make him more endearing? Maybe it ties into his ability to command me then his inability to walk sometimes without tripping. The combination makes him absolutely perfect.

“It’s true.” His fingers trace down the side of my face. “I want to know every single fantasy you’ve ever had. I want to be the one to give you everything you need. The one you think about in the morning when you wake. The one you long for all day. And I want to be the man you’re wrapped around every night when you go to sleep.”

“That’s a lot.”

“Too much?”

“No,” I answer truthfully. “Will you fuck me now?”

A slow smile spreads across his face, and my pussy clenches with excitement.

“Not here.” My face falls, and it makes him laugh. “The first time you take my cock, you won’t be in some shitty hotel room worried about some piece of shit back home.”

Take his cock.

God, what is it about his choice of words that makes me desperate for him?

“You’ll come back with me,” he orders.

“I will,” I answer, because even though the threat of death is looming over my head, I feel safe in Wren Nelson’s arms.

Chapter 25


“Are we having our first fight?” I ask against Whitney’s temple as I hold her to my side, waiting to board the plane back to St. Louis.

“You promised to keep me safe,” she returns, and my smile falls immediately.

“I am,” I promise, moving her along as the line inches forward.

She’s upset because I wouldn’t let her use her fake ID to buy her plane ticket.

Ignacio recovered her real ones when he went to scope out her apartment, and she went white as a ghost when I presented her with them before leaving the hotel room. We need to catch Jones for me to keep my promise, and we can’t do that if he’s following the breadcrumbs she tried to cover on her trip to Iowa.

She doesn’t answer me, but at least she isn’t trying to pull away from me.

“I can take you to the bathroom and remind you why you need to trust me.”

Her breath hitches, the slightest sound rushing into her nose, and I know she isn’t completely turned off by the idea. My cock has stayed perpetually hard since I snuck in her room and wrapped the soft cuffs around her wrists. It took all the power I had to keep from inching inside of her with the filthy things she confessed to me in the darkness last night. I’ll be damned if I give in and break now.

“I’m just scared.”

“I know, baby.” I press my lips to the top of her head, only releasing her long enough for her to offer her ticket to the gate attendant. After handing over mine, she’s right back at my side.

Her eyes are drooping, and her steps are unsure as we board, but once the door closes, eliminating the threat of Jones boarding with us, she settles, her head dropping to my shoulder for the hour-long flight back home.

As guaranteed, the SUV is waiting in the pickup line outside when we breathe our first breath of St. Louis air. The airport security guard is waving others around the parked vehicle instead of urging Flynn to make another loop.

I watch with pride when my friends all pile out of the SUV to greet us. Gaige takes both of our bags, grinning when Whitney keeps her fist tight on the strap of Simon’s backpack carrier. I don’t know what strings Flynn had to pull to get us on the plane with an animal, but I’m grateful. The purring cat calmed her in ways I couldn’t in front of the other passengers.

“Ms. Nelson,” Flynn says with a quick sweep of his hand to the vehicle.

God, I loved the sound of that, even if it’s her birth name and not because she’s mine.

Brooks and Quinten climb into the Copyright 2016 - 2024