A Shore Too Far - By Kevin Manus-Pennings Page 0,6

Eshjja, the very capital of the Gray Valleys, an impenetrable mountain citadel! Killing Boolunnt at Falling Timber and pushing his forces from the north mountains! You have overseen the reorganization of every army of the kingdom, and you are the pride of its fighting men.”

“I meant to imply nothing in helping Kollus, Eric,” I pleaded quietly. “Besides, we have many seasons before Father is unable to rule.”

“We have enemies, my sister,” he said gravely. “Jenaeus’s Northmen would push past Abringol to kill Father if they could. The Men of the Gray Valleys have unsurpassed knowledge of poisons. Assassination is always a possibility.”

My heart leapt to my throat. I let the silence grow for a moment and then said, “I will follow Father’s wishes when he chooses to abdicate.”

“And if your forces disagree with his decision? If there is a cry from the ranks to put you on the throne?”

“I have told Father and I tell you, I will not serve. I will kneel before whomever Father chooses and pledge my service and life.” I looked at him now. “What else can I do, Eric?”

I picked up my sword still in its sheath on the couch. Elkrull had been forged at my request. Until that point, there had never been a symbolic sword for princesses. I saw to it that it was no mere symbol, but a thing for taking life.

I held it out for him to see. “This will stand before anyone who objects to Father’s choice of successor. Even if it be my own men. Even if it be my own blood. What else can I do?”

“Are you sure you could strike me down with that?” he asked.

“You would fall in many pieces,” I answered, perhaps a little too quickly.

He glared at me for a long moment. His gaze was unyielding and more powerful than I remembered. Here was the mind and will that had tamed a city. Finally a smile played at his lips and he broke. He laughed and I could not help but share it. His shoulders dropped and he looked away.

“I didn’t mean to make you doubt my intentions,” I said. “I take Kollus at his word that he wanted my advice. His men certainly benefited from the maneuvers.”

Eric held me by my shoulders and looked down at me, a weary smile at his lips. “So long as those were the only maneuvers at work.”

I let slip a short laugh. “They’re the only ones I’m any good at, Eric.”

“Perhaps I give you too much credit, eh, little sister?” He sat down slowly and looked at me.

I pushed at him as he sat. “Was there really talk after Kollus and I met?”

“There was…and is,” he answered, rubbing his eyes with a hand. “There is always talk, Kara.” He looked again at me as my older brother. His dark hair was graying now, but his eyes were as I had always remembered them.

“Then I’m sorry I’m not better at this,” I said, and sat again beside my silent armor.

He nodded and looked off into the room. I stared down at our feet. The sounds of the palace began creeping in: someone shouted orders in a courtyard, horses passed through an alley below, servants laughed in the hall.

“When will we ride to look upon the fleet?” he asked at last, his eyes still elsewhere.

“In less than two hours, if our estimates hold of where they might land. It will be dark long before we reach them. Gonnaban is choosing some of our cavalries to come with us, particularly ones who grew up around ships.”

Eric turned to me and reached for my hand. His touch was always hot, and he squeezed my fingers fiercely. “Then I’ll meet you in the courtyard in two hours.”

He rose and I watched him as he moved to the doors.

“I’ll see you then,” I said.

He nodded, paused at the door just a moment, then left.

***** ***** *****

Eric and Gonnaban were already assembled in the main courtyard when I came down, and a dozen mounted cavalry stood at attention behind them. The first lanterns were being lit for evening and I regretted not being able to stay and watch as they winked on throughout the city.

Eric pulled on his gloves as I approached. “Rested, Princess?” His eyes were warm, and I felt some of our distance close. I was shocked to remember how handsome Eric looked, how proud I was of him, in his full armor. A shirt of chain with the surcoat of the

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