The Shop on Blossom Street Page 0,56

you can do is tell me how to go about it."

That shut her up, but not for long.

"Tell him you've had a change of heart."

"Okay." My voice must have betrayed my lack of confidence.

"Then tell him you think it might be nice for the two of you to have a beer one night if he's still interested. Offer to buy and then leave the ball in his court."

That sounded reasonable.

"Are you going to do it?" Margaret asked.

I leaned against the wall, fiddling with my hair. "Yeah," I said, "I think I will."

I sounded brave on Friday night, but by Monday morning it was a different story. It would've been easier if Brad had come with a delivery later in the week, but he didn't. As luck would have it, he showed up Monday afternoon when I wasn't expecting him.

"Hi," I said. "I don't usually see you on Mondays." Now that was a clever remark, I thought with disgust, especially since I'm officially closed on Mondays.

"Not usually," he said, wheeling the stack of boxes over to the cash register. "How are you doing?"

"Great." Instantly my mouth went completely dry.

Brad handed me the computerized clipboard, just the way he always did, so I could sign my name. I looked at it as if I'd never seen it before.

"I need a signature," he said.

Thankfully I was able to manage that much. I glanced down long enough to finish the task and returned the clipboard. Brad smiled and headed out the door.

"Brad," I called out.

He looked back.

I came out from behind the counter and walked toward him. My mind whirled with everything Margaret had suggested I say and in my eagerness, the words rushed out, stumbling all over themselves. "I've had a change of heart, that is, if you're still interested. If you aren't, I understand perfectly, and I'm making a complete idiot of myself, and...and let's have a beer one night. Oh, and I'll buy. Margaret said I should buy and - "

His eyes widened as he held up one hand. "Whoa."

I clamped my mouth shut.

"Now start over at the beginning, only slower this time."

I was convinced my face was brighter than any fire truck in Seattle. "I've reconsidered your invitation to meet for a drink after work."

A smile appeared on his face and I could tell he was pleased. "I'd enjoy that."

A warm feeling replaced the chill that had left my teeth chattering. "Good."

"How about Friday night after you close the shop?"

I nodded. "Sure."

He reached for the cart, whistling on his way back to the truck. A few minutes after he left, I realized I was humming. I had a date!

Hot damn. I had a date. Just wait until Margaret heard about this.



J acqueline had her day all planned. She had a nail appointment at nine, followed by lunch with her friends, then major shopping, a few necessary errands and finally home. Tuesday was her busiest day of the week; she arranged it that way on purpose. Preoccupation was the key to forgetting that her husband would be spending part of the night with another woman.

While she was at the mall, she'd make sure she was justly rewarded for turning the other way, although she still had to grit her teeth every time she thought about it.

Just minutes before she planned to leave for the nail salon, the phone rang. For half a moment, she was tempted to ignore it, but then she saw that it was Reese's cell. Reluctantly she picked up the receiver.

"I need a favor," her husband said urgently. "I'm in a meeting and I forgot my briefcase at the house."

"Do you want me to drop it off?" It would mean she'd be late for her nail appointment, but Reese wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary. She intended to spend a good deal of his money that afternoon, so the least she could do was accommodate him.

"Would you, Jacquie? I'd come back for it, but I need it ASAP."

"I'm on my way."

He told her where to find it near his desk in the den. Jacqueline went in there and found the briefcase just where he'd said it would be. The den was in Reese's section of the house and she rarely ventured inside. For a moment, she lingered, trailing her fingers over the perfectly aligned books on the mahogany shelves. On rare occasions Reese smoked a cigar and the scent of rich tobacco and leather was more prominent in this room than anywhere else in the Copyright 2016 - 2024