The Shop on Blossom Street Page 0,41

and was tempted to ditch the entire project. If she had any sense she'd throw it in the garbage, needles and all, and slam out the door.

Alix felt someone's presence and glanced up to find Jordan Turner standing next to her table. Her mouth went dry and her mind went blank. He was the last person she'd expected to see.

"Looks like you're having a bit of trouble." He pulled out the chair beside her, turned it around and sat down facing her.

All Alix could do was stare at him with her mouth hanging open. She hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks. After suggesting they have coffee sometime, he'd vanished. Alix had been bummed out ever since. It was the story of her life; the minute she showed interest in a guy he either ended up in jail or skipped town.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, making sure he knew she wasn't pleased to see him.

"Actually, I came in looking for you." He folded his arms over the top of the chair and leaned toward her.

"Sure you did." That was the type of line John fed Laurel. Alix wasn't going to fall for it.

"It's the truth. You can talk to Danny. I went into the store and asked him if he knew where I could find you." Danny worked part-time during the day shift and was reliable. If she asked him about it, he'd be square with her.

Ignoring Jordan, she caught the dropped stitch and finished the row before she raised her eyes. "Why were you looking for me?"

"I thought I'd buy you a cup of coffee. Are you always this difficult?"

She fixed her gaze on him and refused to blink. "Not really."

"So this I-don't-give-a-damn attitude is for my benefit?"

She smiled despite her mood. "You could say that."

Her lack of welcome apparently didn't bother him. "Any particular reason?"

Alix picked up her knitting again. It sounded childish and petty to say she was disappointed because he'd led her to believe he'd be by to take her to coffee. Then...nothing. Rather than tell him all that, she started knitting again, paying close attention to her stitches, concentrating as she completed the action of slipping it onto the next needle. "I haven't seen you around lately," she said casually.

"Are you implying you missed me? I thought a lot about you while I was away, you know."

She shrugged, looked up and felt a smile lift one side of her mouth. "I might have."

He liked hearing that; Alix could tell by the way he shifted in his chair and leaned closer. He watched her for a moment and then asked, "What are you knitting?"

"A baby blanket for the Linus Project."

Jordan nodded. "I've heard of that. There was a notice in the church bulletin about it a couple of months ago."

Damn, he went to church, too? She really knew how to pick 'em. "Don't think I'm doing this wonderful deed out of the kindness of my heart," she said gruffly. "I'm not putting this much effort into a baby blanket out of civic duty."

"Then why knit it for the Linus Project?"

She might as well admit the truth, and looked up, wanting to gauge his reaction. "It's a way to serve the community hours the court assigned me." If that didn't scare him off, then nothing would. She believed in being honest, and if this clean-cut guy was still interested in her, great. If not, she was better off knowing that now.

"Court-ordered community service? Why?"

"I crossed the law and the law won," she said, finishing the row and paying less attention to the stitches than she should. "But it was a bogus rap and the judge knew it. I got community service instead of jail time. Does that shock a good boy like you?"


She wasn't sure she believed him but let it slide.

"My mother knits."

Alix stopped herself just in time from telling him that her mother was in prison. Enough honesty for today, she decided; no need to overload him with the truth. His interest flattered her, and she rather liked the fact that he'd sought her out. Glancing up, she was tempted to ask what grade school he'd attended, still wondering if he was the Jordan Turner she'd once known. She only half remembered what that boy had looked like, although she recalled he'd worn glasses. Unlike this Jordan. She might have asked, except that he posed a question instead.

"Are you hungry?" He looked over his shoulder at the display counter in the front. Copyright 2016 - 2024