The Shop on Blossom Street Page 0,25

only a suggestion."

"I'd rather we celebrated Mother's Day separately this year."

"Fine. Perhaps we should." I left it at that and made a mental note to call Mom to explain.

"Good. We've got that settled." I noticed that Margaret didn't ask about my first two weeks of business. Nor did she make any other inquiries or give me an opportunity to ask what was going on in her life.

"I have to go," Margaret said. "Julia's dancing class starts in fifteen minutes."

"Give her my love," I said. My two nieces were a joy to me. I loved them deeply and felt close to both Julia and Hailey. Sensing my feelings, Margaret did her best to keep the girls away from me. But now that they were pre-teens, they had minds of their own. We often chatted and I suspected they didn't let their mother know.

My sister hung up without so much as a goodbye. That was typical behavior for Margaret.

I walked over to the front door and turned over the sign to read Closed. As I did, I saw Brad Goetz coming out of the apartment building where Alix lived. He was in a hurry, half-jogging to his truck. I couldn't see where he'd parked, but I thought I knew the reason for his rush. He was handsome and eligible, and there was every likelihood he had a Friday-night date.

I could've been the one joining him for dinner - only I wasn't. That had been my own choice, a choice I was beginning to regret....



I n an attempt to hide her nervousness, Jacqueline poured herself a second glass of chardonnay. After the first sip she stepped into the kitchen and brought out the hors d'oeuvre platter for their guests. Martha had put together crackers artfully swirled with herb-mixed cream cheese and decorated with tiny shrimp. Paul had phoned earlier in the week to ask if he and Tammie Lee could stop by the house on Wednesday evening.

They'd spent the Mother's Day weekend in Louisiana with Tammie Lee's mother, who apparently wasn't feeling well. Jacqueline had made a conscious decision not to take offense.

This was the first time Paul had ever asked permission to visit the family home, and Jacqueline's nerves had been badly frayed ever since his phone call.

"Relax," Reese said, following her into the kitchen.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," Jacqueline murmured. She glanced at the clock on the microwave and realized it was a full ten minutes before her son and daughter-in-law were due to arrive. She cringed at the prospect of making small talk with Tammie Lee, and feared that Paul was about to announce he'd accepted a transfer to the New Orleans branch so Tammie Lee could be close to her family.

"Setting up an appointment to come over here isn't like Paul."

"He was just being thoughtful." Reese walked around the counter and sat on a stool. "Isn't knitting supposed to soothe your nerves?"

"That's another thing," Jacqueline snapped. "I'm dropping out of that ridiculous class."

His head flew back at the vehemence of her declaration. "What's gotten into you?"

"I have my reasons." She didn't like the look on Reese's face - as if he was disappointed in her. But he wasn't the one confronting that ill-mannered punk rocker or whatever those people called themselves these days. Alix, spelled A-L-I-X, resembled a gang member; the girl frightened her. "Why should you care what I do?" Jacqueline leaned against the counter across from her husband.

"You seemed excited about it last week," he said blandly. It was obviously of no consequence to him. "I thought it was a conciliatory gesture on your part. I assumed you signed up for the classes to show Paul you're planning to be a good grandmother."

"I am determined to be a wonderful grandmother. For heaven's sake, what chance does a child of Tammie Lee's have? She'll grow up learning how to pickle pigs' feet." She shivered at the very idea.

"Now, Jacqueline..."

"Actually, I blame you for this."

"Me?" Reese straightened and for a moment he seemed about to laugh outright. "You blame me for what?"

"For the fact that I'm in this...this awful knitting class."

He frowned. "You'd better tell me what's going on."

"There's a young woman in the class. I can't imagine why she'd ever want to learn to knit, but it's not important. She's vile, Reese. That's the only word I can think of to describe her. Her hair is the most ludicrous shade of purple and she took an instant dislike to me when she Copyright 2016 - 2024