The Shop on Blossom Street Page 0,119

now and Jacqueline considered her granddaughter the cutest, smartest baby in the entire universe. Not that she was biased or anything...

First she'd collect the requisite hugs and kisses from Amelia, and then her next stop would be Lydia's store. She'd found the loveliest yarn in a tiny shop in one of the Greek islands during their Mediterranean cruise, and she was eager to show it to her.

Tammie Lee was watering the flower beds and Amelia, balanced against her hip, waved her chubby arms at a passing butterfly when Jacqueline pulled into the driveway. The back seat was loaded with gifts she and Reese had purchased on their trip, but none of that was important just now. The sooner she held her granddaughter, the better.

"Amelia, Amelia, Grandma's home." Jacqueline slid out of her car and held her arms open to her baby girl.

Amelia squealed with delight and reached for Jacqueline. It didn't matter that the child was teething and slobber ran freely down her chin and onto her designer bib. All Jacqueline cared about was holding this beautiful baby once again.

"Welcome home," Tammie Lee said with a wide smile. She bent down to turn off the water and dragged the hose back to the side of the house. "What time did you and Dad get in last night?"

"Late." Had it been a decent hour, Jacqueline would've raced over to kiss Amelia good-night, but Reese had convinced her everyone would be asleep.

"I'm still adjusting to the time change," she said, hugging her daughter-in-law. The love she felt for Tammie Lee was genuine now. Jacqueline had gradually grown close to her. Tammie Lee's natural, unforced kindness, her generosity and willingness to assume the best, had transformed Jacqueline's rigid view of life, and in the process brought the entire family together. Her practical wisdom had opened Jacqueline's eyes to what she was doing to Reese and to herself. Without Tammie Lee, Jacqueline wondered how long her marriage could possibly have lasted.

"We missed you both something fierce," Tammie Lee said, taking Amelia from Jacqueline as she led the way into the house. The nine-month-old was on a mission to explore every cupboard and corner she could find.

Tammie Lee headed into the kitchen, where she settled Amelia in her high chair and brought out a pitcher of iced tea and two glasses.

Amelia banged her fists against the tray and gurgled in apparent approval. From the beginning she'd been a happy, cheerful child, just like her mother. Jacqueline walked over to the cookie jar for a graham cracker and broke it into manageable chunks. Amelia immediately grabbed one, gleefully shoving it into her mouth and gumming it with such an expression of delight, it might have been the world's finest delicacy.

"It's so good to be home." Jacqueline sighed as she accepted the glass of tea, complete with a sprig of mint.

"Sit down, and tell me all about exploring the Greek Isles," Tammie Lee insisted. "I declare, this is the most romantic trip I've ever heard of. I just hope Paul and I are as much in love thirty-three years down the road as you and Dad. It sounded just like a honeymoon."

Her daughter-in-law was closer to the truth than she'd ever know. Jacqueline's marriage was vastly different since the night she'd confronted Reese about his Tuesday-night-mistress-who-wasn't. From that moment on, everything had changed for the better. The very next day he'd moved back into the master bedroom with her. Together they explored the delights of married love and gradually, over the next few months, they'd worked on rebuilding what they'd been so ready to destroy.

"I just hope Paul's as romantic as his father," Jacqueline murmured, playing with Amelia. "Oh, I swear she's grown so much these last three weeks."

Accepting her right to be the center of attention, Amelia Jacqueline Donovan grinned a toothy radiant smile, her cheeks smeared with mushed-up graham cracker.

"You're such a cutie pie," Jacqueline cooed. The love she felt for this child was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Amelia and her mother had changed Jacqueline's life in ways she could never have predicted.

Thirty minutes later, Jacqueline had emptied the back seat of her car. She hugged Tammie Lee goodbye and covered Amelia's now-clean face with grandma kisses, then reluctantly drove off.

She went to A Good Yarn next. Luck was with her, and she slid into a vacant parking spot directly in front of the store. The Blossom Street renovation project was completed now. The brick apartment building where Alix had once lived had been Copyright 2016 - 2024