Shocking Sapphires - Ann Omasta Page 0,45

turn the movie into a series of films. He says there are enough crazy characters in this little town to inspire hundreds of stories, and from what I’ve seen and heard so far, I believe him.”

Shaking my head for added emphasis, I said, “I always thought Hollywood was crazy, but it has nothing on this odd little place.”

Molly’s face was glowing with happiness. Giving me an ornery grin, she added, “There’s only one problem… I might not want to hand this magnificent place over to you, once it’s done.”

Unable to resist, I said, “I’m sure we will be able to figure out a mutually agreeable solution when the time comes.”



I was thrilled that Grant and Scout were going to stay in town on a long-term basis, and I couldn’t wait to get started on the renovations for his property, but I also couldn’t help wanting more.

Having them around was definitely a step in the right direction. I was happy to help him, and I would be as involved in their lives as he would allow, but I craved a permanent spot inside their adorable little family. I wanted to be a mother to Scout and a wife to Grant.

It was crazy to be so sure of this so fast after my relationship with Grant had turned romantic, but I’d been slowly falling in love with these two guys for a long time.

There was no denying that a significant part of my heart had been hoping that Grant would ask me to move into the house on the bluff with them when it was completed, but I didn’t dare say anything to that effect for fear of overstepping and scaring him away.

It was never far from my mind that he was a famous movie star. His world was much bigger and more exclusive than mine. Soon, he would probably tire of small-town life and grow bored with me. He could live anywhere he wanted and be with anyone he chose. The chance of him remaining content here with me was practically nonexistent.

Grant and I settled into a comfortable routine. Construction started immediately on the house renovations, so I juggled two jobs as I completed my two-weeks’ notice at the restaurant.

I was at the construction project bright and early every morning, and I stopped by to check the day’s progress as soon as I finished the dinner shift at the restaurant. After that, I went to the inn to help Grant tuck Scout in and read him a bedtime story. The two of us would have a late dinner and nightcap, then Grant and I would voraciously explore each other’s bodies in his bed.

He was an inventive and passionate lover, constantly finding new and creative ways for us to pleasure each other.

One night after a particularly boisterous lovemaking session, he was lightly rubbing my bare back as I snuggled against his warm chest. His voice was heavy with concern when he asked, “Do you ever think about being intimate with a man who doesn’t have my physical limitations?”

I leaned up to look him in the eyes as I answered firmly, “Absolutely not.”

“You must wonder if you’re missing out on something.” He refused to hold my gaze.

The scoffing sound erupted from my throat without my permission. I couldn’t believe he was truly worried about this.

My voice was practically a shout when I said, “Missing out on something? Better than this? If there’s anything in the world better than you making love to me, which I sincerely doubt, then I don’t want it. My body couldn’t handle it, and I would probably croak from a heart attack on the spot.”

My unwavering reassurance made his chest rumble with a deep chuckle.

“Thank you,” he whispered before pressing a kiss to my temple.

“No, thank you. You rock my world, Grant Chandler.”

“Right back at you, Molly Malone.”

Hoping that his concerns had been properly blown to bits, I snuggled back onto his chest and promptly fell asleep.

Now that I was able to focus completely on the house renovation, without having to shift gears to go to the restaurant, my exhaustion eased. The project was moving along at a brisk pace, and I loved sharing the progress we made each day with Grant.

I’d made sure access ramps were installed right away, so he could at least get inside the house. The elevators were taking longer, so I showed him pictures of the changes upstairs. He was enthusiastic as the house morphed into our combined vision of what it should be.

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